𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 34

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The Goodbye◗  

" I don't fucking cuddle, Bora. Go wake him up. "

" I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY! " Bora grinned, jumping on the couch

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" I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY! " Bora grinned, jumping on the couch. Yoongi grabbed the near by pillow and threw it in her face while the girl refused to even catch it.

" Oof. " She mumbled as the pillow softly hit her face and fell down.
" You're still a cat. " Her lips stretched into a smirk.

Bora knew this might only annoy him. She had seen him and Jungkook act out of it most of the time ever since she told them about her going to shoots soon.

She wanted to convince them before she left, or she was not going at all. So the only way to convince Yoongi was to annoy him even more until he talks to her or tease the hell out of him.

" Oppa. " She stood up, setting pillow aside. She had managed to sneak into his studio after many tries, having to find out his password by the sticky note at his nightstand.

" Leave me the fuck alone, Bora! " He grumbled, his eyes on his computer as he furiously typed. The girl sighed,
" That's so rude. I'm going to cry. "

She smirked, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind. Yoongi groaned, " Go away! "
Bora tightened her grip as he tried to pry it off.

" Stop whining. " She grumbled, " I won't go if you keep doing this. "

" I didn't even do anything! " He scowled, " Leave me alone now. "

Bora sighed, " Fine. I'll call Pd-nim and say I won't be doing any drama—"

" Yah! " He finally managed to get off her grip and faced her, " I don't care whatever you do! Just leave me alone! "

Giving up, Bora walked over to the couch and plopped down, scowling as she glared at nothing in particular. Yoongi rolled his eyes and turned back to his computer.

At some point, he had thought Bora left but after what seemed like hours, when he turned to leave, be found her fast asleep on the same couch.

It was way past evening and Jin would call soon for dinner. He scowled, knowing he needed to lock his studio and he couldn't just leave her here.

" Yah—wake up! I'm leaving and I need to lock the studio! " He poked her shoulder and Bora groaned, " Go
away! "

Yoongi scoffed, " You're in my studio, girl! Get up and leave now! Or I'm locking you in here. "

Bora faced the back of the couch, " Do whatever you want. You don't care anyway, do you? Just leave than! "

She mumbled, holding the plushie close to herself as she drifted off to sleep again. Yoongi sighed, " Bora, get up! Jin hyung will be calling soon so we need to leave. "

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