𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 7

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Kim Seokjin◗  

" He's handsome. "

THE WEEKEND WAS BORING SO FAR, but Bora was doing her math homework with Namjoon's help so that was a plus

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THE WEEKEND WAS BORING SO FAR, but Bora was doing her math homework with Namjoon's help so that was a plus.

" I don't get it. Why break it up when you can just sum it? Math is so complicated. " She grumbled, causing Yoongi to snicker and Hobi to chuckle while Namjoon smiled.

" Here, I'll break it up for you into an easy step. " He offered, grabbing the pencil.

Bora listened intently, finally managing to get the process in her head and she solved one of the problems, glad that she got it right.

" It's really easy if you take this sign—"

The door bell rung and Hobi stood up,
" I've got it. " The three looked at the door too, standing up as it revealed a handsome boy. Not just any handsome boy, it was that handsome boy from train.

Bora couldn't help but grin, feeling giddy at the sight of him. Yoongi smacked her head gently, " You're thirteen. " He warned and Bora scowled at him before smiling wide at the boy again.

Yoongi scoffed, " She never smiled that wide at us. " Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head.

" Hi, " He introduced himself, " I'm Kim Seokjin. Pd-nim told me to meet you guys because I'll be joining the
group—oh, you! "

He pointed at Bora, who widened her eyes. " Yeah, er... "

" You two know each other? " Yoongi questioned while Namjoon let the boy in. " I'm Kim Namjoon, 16 and leader of the group. It's nice to meet you. "

Hobi introduced himself next and than Yoongi. Turns out, the boy was older than the lot. He was 18, making him the oldest of the group.

" You know me, but my name is Mi Bora. " She grinned and Seokjin ruffled her hair, " Yeah, thanks to you I got in. "

" What is going on? " Yoongi grumbled and Seokjin smiled slightly, explaining while Bora blinked, slowly correcting her hair.

" I saw him on the train to Seoul, he had forgotten his audition form in the train and I met again in BigHit and I returned it. " She stated simply while Seokjin had been mixing over the words, since he was confused himself.

" Oh, " Hobi grinned, " That's nice to know we can get along, hyung. What position are you? "

Bora grinned as he spoke up again,
" Vocalist and Visual. "

" Wah, same as Borabora here. " Hobi nudged her as she was trying to write something again on her book. " Oh, sorry. I forgot the formula again,
Oppa! "

" How could you? He taught it like minutes ago?! " Yoongi frowned and Bora grinned, " Well, I saw someone handsome and forgot all about it. "

She smirked, screaming as Yoongi had immediately chased her towards the room. The older boy had pink cheeks, he chuckled, embarressed.

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