𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 37

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Wrap Up◗  

" Why? Because you can't sleep beside me? "

" Why? Because you can't sleep beside me? "

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Officially, the shoot would end in another week, but Bora had her scenes done, all of them because she had to be in Finland soon. So she had a flight in two hours and she also needed to be at the airport an an hour.

The staff had celebrated her departure and the success in shooting by a small party and also an early birthday since it was the next day. She'd turn 17/18 (internationally) the next day but she wanted to also celebrate it with boys.

Sitting in the flight, she grinned. She had told the boys she'd be coming next week to surprise them, and she just couldn't wait.

Her (BTS) manager, Sejin had flew back pick her up and they'd go back to Finland to surprise the boys along with a cameraman staff.

Deciding to get a few hours of sleep in the flight, she wrote down some notes before just doing that and woke up before they would be landing soon.

She gaped, " Wah, this is beautiful! "

She stared down the window of the plane and Sejin chuckled, " Buckle up. We're landing soon. "

She nodded, grinning. The excitement was too much to contain as she tapped her leg up and down furiously, buckling her seat belt.

As the plane landed, they got off and Bora picked her mask and hat, " Hello! " She waved at the camera once it was recording again, " So we just landed in Finland airport, this is so beautiful! I can't wait to surprise the boys because I lied saying I won't be here for another week or something! "

She chuckled, waving.

The black van was waiting there for them and Bora was glad none of the fans knew she was landing, because it'd ruin her surprise for the boys.

She immediately got in and grabbed her phone. " Where are they right
now? "

Sejin smiled, " They must be at the hotel right now. We're heading there. " Bora grinned, " Can we please scare them? "

Sejin raised an eyebrow, " I don't think that's a very good idea. "

" It's a best idea, " Bora smirked,
" Please? " She pouts. The manager sighed and nodded.

" Hyung!!! What did he say?! " Namjoon asked, worried

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" Hyung!!! What did he say?! " Namjoon asked, worried. Jin hung up, his face scrunched worry. " Bora got into an accident while shooting. "

" Oh God! We need to go back! Call him and tell him to book our flights! " Jungkook panicked and Jimin grabbed his arm in comfort, " Hyung, we need to go back! "

Neither of the boys were aware of the camera shooting their panicked states, feeling a little bad for them.

Bora covered her mouth before she sighed. " Now I feel bad. " She mumbled and Sejin nudged her, " Okay, if you don't go now, Jungkook will break down. "

Bora widened her eyes, shaking her head before stepping out of her hiding spot. " Hey guys!!! "

The group of panicked boys now looked over at the oh-so familiar voice, all of the freaking out. " Is it just me or Bora is actually standing there? "

Jimin frowned and Jungkook nodded,
" I see her too. " He mumbled, confused.

" Yah!! Is this funny to you?! " Yoongi scowled as he spotted manager Sejin, Bora grinned with a guilty look.

" Okay, that was just a prank, I'm
sorry! " She laughed, hugging Jin since he just stood there, his eyes wide and mouth agape. Jin blinked, immediately smacking her head.


The girl grinned sheepishly, " That was the whole point. " She chuckled, patting Jungkook's cheeks, who huffed, his face red.

" Aish, " He breathed out, " I was this close to crying. " He mumbled against her shoulder and Bora smiled, " Right, I apolgise, guys. That wasn't the best prank. "

The group burst out laughing suddenly and Bora shook her head, joining in. After hugging the life out of Bora, all the boys led Bora to the room she's supposedly sharing with Jin.

They were off recording of the episode for now so they were all just chilling. Bora had decided to take a shower and change before she joined  the bunch in watching T.V.

" How was the shooting? " Bora grinned, " It was beautiful! Oh, Joon oppa, I finished the lyrics of this song. "

She pulled out her notes she had written on plane and Namjoon grabbed the sheets. The boys huddled over to read while Bora munched on the food Yoongi had ordered immediately.

Because according to him, Bora looked so thin that she needed to be fed six times a day. " Wah, when did you get time to write this? "

Bora smiled, " During breaks. You already know how beautiful Yonsei University is. I just got inspired. "

Namjoon smiled wide, his dimples showing. " Bora, this is amazing?! I can't wait for you to sing it. "

" The meaning is just so deep, I can't with you! " Taehyung sighed, dramatically wiping his "tears" to which Bora nudged him, chuckling.

" When is the drama coming out? " Jimin asked, practically beaming. Bora shook her head," Shooting is still going for a week. After that, it'll probably take them a month for editing and director was also saying he needs to contact
T.V networks and book the air timing. "

" Ah! Such a long process! I want to watch it. " Bora smirked, " I'm not giving any spoilers. "

The boys whined while Bora layed back, her head resting on Jin's shoulder as she watched the news.

Within minutes, she was fast asleep. Jin chuckled, gently grabbing her head and placing it on the pillow. The girl stirred but snuggled into his side.

Jungkook didn't waste a second to throw herself over the girl, who groaned. " Seriously? That's one way to cuddle someone. "

The youngest grinned and others sighed. " Yeah, yeah! We get it. " Taehyung said sourly, grinning.

As others left the room, Jin decided to clean up while both Jungkook and Bora were asleep again. Jin chuckled at the two, pulling the sheets over them.

" Where are you going? " Bora mumbled sleepily, Jin smiled. " I'll go sleep in Kookie's room. " The girl grinned, " Why? Because you can't sleep beside me? "

She teased and Jin clicked his tongue, his cheeks slightly turning pink. Bora chuckled, " Okay, night. "

He rolled his eyes, fleeing the room within a second. Bora managed to shifted to a more comfortable position from Jungkook's strong grip and sighed.


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this also short. I don't know what to do with myself, smh!

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