𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 31

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Reaction and Over-reaction◗  

THE GROUP WAS SITTING ON THE COUCH, Bora settled between Hosoek and Jimin as they watched their MVI Need U for the first time since it had been released

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THE GROUP WAS SITTING ON THE COUCH, Bora settled between Hosoek and Jimin as they watched their MV
I Need U for the first time since it had been released.

" Wah, " Taehyung jumped, " I love how they matched Bora and Kookie's part. " He pointed out and others nodded in agreement.

" Were you always this good at acting? " Jimin sighed dramatically and she rolled her eyes with a grin, nudging.
" Look at you, why are you talking about me? "

" Yeah, I agree! Jimin hyung did amazing! " Jungkook beamed and the boy thanked others who agreed too.

" Okay—but are we not going to talk about Bora visiting him and not any of us? " The girl bit her lip while Jimin smirked, the boys already started arguing over it.

" Guys, focus! " Namjoon said, pointing at the screen. The bunch huffed and grumbled. Bora sighed, looking at the screen.

She really felt bad for herself and also wanted to laugh at herself when her and Taehyung's scene arrived. She just hoped no one would catch onto her "acting" not really being "acting".

" Ah! " Jin suddenly screamed as Taehyung had stabbed the man, causing others to chuckle and hush him.

" Look at Bora! " Jin exclaimed, " She's crying! " Bora cringed, chuckling. Taehyung turned to her, " Yeah, how did you do that? You didn't even use teardrops. "

Bora shrugged, " Unlike some, I'm a professional. " She mocked and others Ooed while Taehyung gasped, pointing at her, " You take that back, young lady! That offends me! "

Bora smirked, " I won't. "

Her phone rang and she frowned at the ID before getting up, " I'll be back
guys! " She made her way towards the room and picked it up.

" Pd-nim? Sup? "

Hearing an amused chuckle on the other side, she smiled. " Bora, are you free? We need to hold a meeting right now. "

" Oh, yeah! We're free now. Should I tell the boys—"

" No, no. Just you! "

" Oh. " Bora frowned, " Er....yeah, I'm free. I'll drop by. "

She hung up and turned around to face Yoongi, who was leaning against the doorframe.

" What did he need? "

Bora shrugged, confused herself. " I don't know. He wants to meet me. "

Yoongi frowned, " You didn't do something, did you? Don't get kicked out, I swear to God I'll find you and murder you myself—"

" I didn't, " Bora mused, " He sounded calm enough to know this isn't bad. I should go see now. "

Yoongi pursed his lips and nodded hesitantly, watching her pull on a jacket and rush to the door. " That wasn't acting, was it? "

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