𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 11

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Park Jimin◗

" Pardon? "

THE EVENING SEEMED COLD as the brunette walked back from the café towards the dorm

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THE EVENING SEEMED COLD as the brunette walked back from the café towards the dorm. She worried how the boys might react if they found out she was doing a part-time, but she had no choice.

Even though she didn't spend much money, she needed to save up for emergencies. And she wasn't going to keep asking money to her grandparents and be a burden.

" Where were you? " Yoongi asked as she entered, shivering. She gulped, her throat burning. Holding up a hand and indicating for him to wait, she downed a glass of warm water.

" Are you practicing too much? " He frowned, " You'll strain your voice, did your coach not warn you about anything?! "

She thanked the god for the escape and shook her head, " No, it was just a hard song I needed to perform today. " She cleared her throat, " I've been practicing that. "

" How come I never heard you sing? " He mumbled and suddenly, Jungkook peeked out of the door, followed by Taehyung, " Yeah, we didn't either. "

" Neither did we. " Namjoon said as he sat on the couch with Hobi. Bora frowned, " Don't gang up on me guys! I won't sing for you. I hate my singing already. "

Hobi frowned, pinching her cheeks.
" Don't say that! I'm sure you have beautiful voice, and for Pd-nim to choose you so quickly, don't even
say it. "

Bora smiled at the boy, knowing she can never stop him from being positive and happy. So she simply nodded.

" I'm still not singing. My throat is
sore. " She mumbled and Jungkook whined, " Just a small part of a song? "

Bora smirked, raising an eyebrow.
" Oh, no. I don't like that. " Taehyung said and Yoongi chuckled.

" I will if you sing first, Kookie. How about that? "

The boys ooed while Jungkook shot her a scowl, " You're so mean! I'm not talking to you! " He screeched, sulking. Bora only smirked wider, turning on her heels and walking into the room.

" Why is my pillow— YOONGI OPPA! " She groaned, " I like sleeping up there! "

" No. You're sleeping down. I sleep up there. " He crossed his arms, smirking as he leaned on the doorway.

" But why—"

" You keep jumping like a monkey! We have practice everyday, what if you sprain your ankles?! I've told you many times—"

" I won't! "

" Yes, you will one day! I swear to

" Here we go. " Namjoon groaned and other three chuckled.

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