𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 15

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" I don't wanna cry. "

JUNGKOOK WAS CRYING again and it had Bora worried and confused

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JUNGKOOK WAS CRYING again and it had Bora worried and confused. He wouldn't speak up, so deciding not to wake anyone up, she grabbed his arm and dragged him out (more like the two sneaked out).

The two sat at the rooftop comfortably if you don't count Jungkook's occasional sniffles. " What's wrong? " Bora sighed, patting his arm in comfort.

" Noona, I have to go. "

" Where? " She asked almost immediately, eyes wide but she then cleared her throat and sat straighter.
" Where, Kookie? We're this close to our dream—"

" I know, noona! I know. Pd-nim said I have to go study dance in US. " Bora frowned,

" Alone? "

Jungkook nodded, " I don't want to go because I will feel homesick, but if I so, my dancing will improve for the
group. "

Bora sighed, rubbing his back. " We can talk to PD-nim. I'll try and come with you if you want. " She grinned, hoping it will make him feel better,
" I need dancing lessons too anyway. "

She grinned wide and Jungkook chuckled slightly, shaking his head.
" Noona, your dancing is perfect. "

" Not really, " She smiled, " I never took official classes. I always watched videos back in my hometown. " Jungkook nodded, " But still, you dance very well. I think you don't—"

" Don't think that, Kookie! Everyone has struggles, have you seen Jimin oppa? He starves himself because he thinks he's too chubby. Jin oppa dances too much to improve and Yoongi oppa also overworks himself—" She sighed, grabbing his hand.

" All I'm saying is, maybe it's for the better. I'll call you everyday, alright? "

" You want me to go? " He frowned and Bora laughed, " Very much. You're so annoying. " She nudged him playfully and the boy rolled his eyes, smiling slowly.

" Let's go back to sleep, " She smiled,
" We'll talk with everyone tomorrow. "

" Cuddles? " He grinned sheepishly and Bora sighed dramatically, nodding.
" Let's go, you big baby! "

" Out of all nicknames, you had that for me... "

" It suits you... "

" It doesn't... "


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