𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 46

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" Are you sure that's not a to-do list? "

BORA HUFFED as she zipped up her bag and sat on the bunkbed beside

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BORA HUFFED as she zipped up her bag and sat on the bunkbed beside. She looked around, ignoring the chaos the seven boys were creating.

Bang Pd had suddenly called them and told them they had to pack and move because they were going to live somewhere else now.

Bora didn't understand, although she knew it was damn clear why. The schedules would be hectic and they would be busy most of the time.

And most important thing, privacy. How long would seven boys and a girl share a dorm room with bunkbeds? They needed to have their own privacy and the area they currently lived in was too loud.

They needed to be somewhere peaceful.

Although the CEO didn't tell them where they are moving, she was sure he had everything planned.

" AISH—hyung!!! Take this sock of yours! "

" That's not mine, Jungkookie! " Hosoek whined, throwing it back at Jungkook. Bora sighed, her arms crossed as she then watched Jin and Namjoon arguing over a now broken piece of vase, guess who broke it? Yeah, Namjoon did.

And than there was Taehyung who was pushing Jimin aside to get his own clothes while Jimin being the competitive ass he is was trying to do the same.

Yoongi, well, he had packed an hour ago and sleeping in a corner bunkbed, snoring softly without any care in the world.

" GUYS! " Bora stood up, " Get out, all of you. " She sighed out and the maknae line had instantly cleared out with Namjoon and Hoseok.

Jin remained still with the broken pieces of vase in his hand, eyes slightly wide while Yoongi was still snoring soundly.

" I can't be the youngest here. This is an
illusion! " She shook her head, " This is a trap. " Jin blinked, chuckling.

The two looked at each other before sighing and started to clean uo the whole place, putting the things in their respective bags that belonged to others.

Bora grabbed Yoongi's favorite pillow she had stolen a week ago and smacked him in the face. " Who the fuck just chose violence with me—"

" I did, dumbass. Get up now, we're leaving. " Yoongi scowled, it only deepened once he spotted the pillow in her hand. The girl smirked.

Jin looked between them, " Uh-oh. " Before Yoongi could lung forward and attack the girl, Jin grabbed her arm and pushed her out of the room,
" Have fun. "

He slammed the door shut and Yoongi's annoyed complains got muffled.

Bora grinned, entering the living room and looking at the boys who sat there on the couch, all quite and looking at each other.

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