𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 14

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A WEEK HAD PASSED since the fight between Yoongi and Bora and nothing was normal

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A WEEK HAD PASSED since the fight between Yoongi and Bora and nothing was normal.

The two ignored each other like plague while the other members had gotten even more worried. Especially Namjoon. How was the group going to work out of two of the members didn't get along?

He was fine when the two bickered, it was playful and they were normal seconds alter. But this? This was extreme. It was having other boys worried too.

Bora had completely shut everyone out, only talking when someone spoke to her and being quiet rest of the time, while Yoongi was snapping at anyone in the radius of five meter.

The boys were aware Bang PD also knew something was up, and he had called Namjoon to speak and told him to try and work it out between them.

He had said confidently he would, but after seeing Bora and Yoongi live in a same dorm and act like the other doesn't exist, he didn't know anymore.

Neither of them spoke up about what happened, and it left the boys even more curious and annoyed.

Jin had tried talking to Bora, but she didn't  budge. She had said she was fine and she'd handle it herself. Ignoring Yoongi was not the way he wanted her to handle it.

Namjoon looked at Yoongi as he dropped the pencil and huffed, grumbling something under his breath about how he can't focus.

Bang PD had asked the group to start preparing a song. Namjoon and Yoongi were in charge of writing the rap while Jungkook would handle main choruses along with Taehyung.

Bora was supposed to help too but the boys had decided not to force her into anything and do it them selves, even though it was a big part of their lives already.

" Hyung, " Namjoon sighed, " Please talk to her. PD-nim told me if this keeps going on he'll have to remove either Bora or you from the group. "

Yoongi sighed. Yeah, he needed to talk, and apologize to Bora but the two were stubborn as hell.

He knew he shouldn't have yelled her and probably explained to her about whatever the situation was. But he had just let the worry and anger take the better of himself.

He was still guilty about she had flinched. He couldn't help but wonder if she thought he'd hit her or something. He couldn't even think of it in his wildest imagination.

" Yeah, I'll talk to her later. " He mumbled, staring the empty sheets of paper that only included scratched words that the lyrics didn't match.

" Thank you. " Namjoon sighed and tried to focus back on the lyrics.

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