Girls Night out

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That Friday was the match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, so neither of the teams were to meet in classes. As midday rolled around all the students made their way to the quidditch pitch where Rose Evans and James Potter, the captains of the teams and one of the power couples of Hogwarts, were standing already. The two were standing in the middle of the pitch staring at one another as Madam Hooch talked about rules.

When she blew her whistle James sent his girl a kiss as she winked at him before mounting her broom and taking off with him a second behind her.

Penelope looked from the stands alongside the Black sisters, Regulus, Jasmin and a lot of other Slytherins. Not sure which team to cheer for, but she had a feeling she should be cheering for Gryffindor, just this once. Seeing as her own boyfriend was the keeper for the Gryffindor team. Penelope cheered loudly for the Gryffindor team, knowing it was the least she could do, as Sirius had been her biggest cheerleader

After a long and crazy match, at around 4 hours, the Gryffindor seeker finally catches the snitch and they win the game with 350 over 320 points, leaving Rose annoyed but James was more than gleeful. This match had put them over Slytherin and that one step closer to Ravenclaw, who right now was in the top.

After the match, Penelope and Jasmin were waiting for Rose to be done with her showering and putting on normal clothes. The two girls were sitting on Penelope's bed when Rose got to the dungeons and into the Slytherins girl dorm.

"Hey, there you are," Penelope said with a warm smile as the redhead walked in the door.

"Are you ready to get changed and head out?" Penelope asked as she greeted Rose.

"Hey sweets" Rose smiled as she walked up to hug Penelope "Yeah, but I have no clue about what to wear tonight" she chuckled lightly, making both Penelope and Jasmin laugh with her.

"I think Jas got you because I don't have any idea what to wear either" Penelope chuckled as she winked at the blonde Slytherin.

"You two are unbelievable" Jas groans from her bed, but has a huge smile on her face as she in fact loved to play dress up and now she had a new friend to dress to her liking.

"You love us" the two friends laughed at her while speaking at the same time, while Penelope continued "Any idea what we should wear?" the short Latina asked.

Jas smirked at her best friend before jumping up from her bed and ran to her closet. "Begin to straighten your hair P as yours is the worst to deal with, Rose help her with her back," Jas yells at them before rummaging through her dresses and skirts. Jasmin pulled out a rosa/nude coloured dress with a lot of cleavage showing she handed it to Rose. For Penelope she found a white jumpsuit that would look stunning on her Latin skin, the jumpsuit had a choker neck and was cut like diamond, which also showed a lot of cleavage and the jumpsuit itself was at the bottom and ended just below the Latinas arse. Penelope looked at the jumpsuit more than once, as she wasn't the most comfortable in her body and it would show off her large scar on her left thigh.

"You are going to look like a fucking meal, and Sirius wouldn't be able to let you go out tonight, trust me" Jas informed the short witch, Penelope didn't say anything just nodded. For herself she found a white skirt and a black top with a very low back, also her top part was showing a lot of cleavage.

Penelope began to tame Rose's wavy hair. The redhead in front of her was very much enjoying herself as Penelope ran a brush through her hair. Jasmin was on the other hand finding the makeup that she knew would be needed for tonight.

"How are things going P?" Jas asked from the bathroom, still looking for a liquid eyeliner.

"Fine, I think Rose is almost falling asleep by this" Penelope told the younger Slytherin girl.

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