Collision between Houses

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As Lily walked down the hall with her winter coat around her not to feel the cold December wind, she bumped into her 'cousin' Penelope. Remembering the rumour from earlier this week, she began a conversation.

"So I heard that you like one of the Marauders" Lily's voice was cold as she looked at Penelope. She didn't want her family near those troublemakers, and it was enough that her little sister was friends with Remus.

Penelope was too stunned to speak as she heard the cold tone in the redhead. After a few seconds, she finally talks. "I beg your pardon? I'm not sure I understand?"

"Do. You. Like. One. Of. The. Marauders?" Lily put pressure on every word as if she spoke to a slow person.

"Well, I'm good friends with Sirius? If that is what you mean?" Penelope's voice was uncertain, but she could feel her patience running thin.

"No. Do you want to be in a relationship with him?" Lily says, rolling her eyes at the older Slytherin.

"I don't see how this is any of your business, Lily?" Penelope asks, looking her cousin in the eyes. "What makes you think that you have a say in this?"

"I see it as my business because even if he is bad news, he is still a Gryffindor and shouldn't be with a filthy Slytherin, who only believe in blood purity and status! You are all the same!" Lily's words were harsh, and truth be told, hit home. Penelope had never thought that her own family would think that just because she was sorted into Slytherin.

"Just so you know Evans, anything that is any related to the blood prejudice and dark arts, I have nothing to with that, I couldn't give a zero damn about it if that makes you feel and think if I am like Snape, sorry to burst your bubble, he is the bad guy! Not me!" Penelope snapped. Not liking the tone in the younger girls voice. Penelope closed her fists tightly, holding herself back from hitting the Gryffindor in front of her.

"I couldn't give two damns about your views on blood prejudice. The only thing I care about is you staying away from the Gryffindors. I would rather have a normal witch treat him like a toy than a death eater treats him like a king" Lily's voice grows colder, wanting to make Penelope hate her, so she would never find out about Rose.

"If I remember correctly, Snape called you a slur, but I can repeat it for you if you want. And I saw have much that hurt you, and I know you never would see anyone be treated like that, so I get why you want to protect Sirius and the others, I really do. But don't you ever talk to me that way again, or the next time I wouldn't hold back." Penelope snared before beginning to walk away...

"Turn your back to me again, Slytherin... I bloody dare you..." Lily's voice raises as she feels herself lose her temper. "If you want even to see the shadow of a relationship between you and Sirius, you have to win me over first! I'm the Gryffindor queen" Her voice was as hard as ice as she spoke before leaving and making it to the Gryffindor common room in hopes of finding Sirius.

"Bloody hell...You would not think we are cousins," Penelope mumbled to herself before making her way down to the Black Lake, not really sure how to convince Lily that she wanted nothing but happiness for Sirius. Sure the two have been friends for a long time, she could not bear to see him all lost again after being played, but sure he was a flirt himself, but that did not mean he was a huge brick around girls. Or boys, for that matter.

In the Gryffindor common room: 

Lily storms in with a look of rage on her face, making everyone, even James Potter, stay out of her way.

"Sirius Fucking Black! Where is he, Potter?" Lily hissed at the taller boy.

"Okay, Evans. What's wrong, and why are you looking for Sirius?" James asked in a calm voice, and this was, after all, Roses sister. He had to be nice to her.

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