The big day

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"Rose, check on the boys please" Bellatrix says as Narcissa work on Penelope's hair and Lagina work on her nails and keeping Penelope relaxed so she doesn't stress over anything.

"Yes ma'am" Rose salute before walking out of Penelope's old dorm room, down to the slytherin common room, out the corridor, up the stairs to the 7th floor and into the gryffindor common room and up to Sirius' room where the boys are getting ready, her golden dress swiping around her legs.

Knocking twice on the door Rose opens the door, not bothering to wait for a "come in" as all the boys, with the exception of James, was like brothers to her.

"How are you boys doing?" Rose calls out as she makes her way the the living room of the suite, the boys having used a spell to make the old dorm much bigger as they has spent the last two days having a big 'sleepover'.

"Okay-ish" Remus answer her as she rounds the corner and offer her a small smile, doing his tie in the mirror. Rose looks at the group of boys sitting around on the sofas and the floor, some in dress pants and no shirts, others, the groom, still in underwear. Shaking her head at the group Rose smiles before looking at the rest of the tuxes, hanging on the clothes rack in the middle of the room.

"Get a move on. Or Bella will pay you guys a visit, and that will not be pretty. You only have 3 hours till the wedding begins and we have to be there in 2" Rose threaten, watching in amusement as the guys faces goes pale all rushing towards the tuxes to get their own.

James, hearing the chaos from the living room, walks out from the bathroom with his jacket over him left arm. Looking around he sees all his friends running around like hens without a head, trying to get their tuxes on as fast as possible. Looking for the source of the chaos, knowing that it must be one of the girls, he becomes awestruck as his eyes falls on Rose standing with Remus, silently laughing at the boys chaos.

In the meantime, Penelope was her satin rope, admiring her wedding gown, and she couldn't help but smile at the sight of it.

"Can't believe the day is here" she whispered to herself, and slowly began daydreaming. She looked around the room to see her best friends standing in their dresses, four in dark green and one of the two in gold. She had honestly never thought she would have this day, when she was younger and when she had just lost her mother, she couldn't see her future.

But now she was about to marry her best friend, her soulmate and her rock. She was more than thankful for the support and help she had gotten from her friends, planning the wedding in just four months. She began to think about the day she told her friends that her and Sirius had picked a date, and how he had said that, if they had chosen a date that was further away, then she would have had more time to think about saying yes. She walked over to her night stand, to pick up her vows that she had read and spoken many times before, but as she began to read them again.

"Sirius Orion Black. You are everything that I have ever asked for. You are a wonderful man, one I never thought would be standing in front of me today. Love, you have always been a rebel, and I can say that you will most likely always one and most like every other girl at school, I too fell for the charm. A secret very few knew, and I did everything I could to hide the fact from you, but that night after the quidditch match, between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, when you told me your true feelings. That was all it took, we become one the very next morning, everything fell into place. You have been there through good and bad, stuck by my side, when I made some very bad choices, but you were there when I was at my worst, you have seen me at my worst, quite a few times now. But all of that has brought us to this day. Sirius, I love you more than I can ever put words on and trust me, I tried. Nothing made me see how much I want to spend the rest my life with you, and I never second guessed about it for one day. Love, thank you for being you" A few small tears was threatening to leave her eyes, when it came from across the room

"Don't you dare let those tears fall." Penelope looked up and saw one of her maid of honor standing in the doorway, looking at the bride. Jasmin made her way over the bride and hugged her.

"Well I came to tell you that it is time to that dress on you, so you can make that man of yours cry like a baby" Jasmin said with a small grin on her face.

The two friends, made their way into to the room were the dress was hanging. It took the help of all of her bridesmaids to get her into the dress, Penelope had made sure to put on her shoes before getting into the dress, as it would be way easier than to try and get the shoes on after she had gotten the dress on.

The last things that was only missing was the old, the new, the borrowed, and the blue. Each thing had a meaning behind them. The old was a pair of diamond earrings that she had inherited from her mother, the new was her shoes, the borrowed was a simple diamond necklace she had lent from Cissa, the necklace was a silver chain with a lone diamond at the end and the blue was a hairpin lent from Rose, shaped in the shape of a flower. All the girl now ready, and Penelope was trying not to panic. But she was also more than ready to say yes to her man.

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