Girl's night out pt 2

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The following morning, Penelope woke up a little while before the others. She felt Sirius's morning boner, but couldn't honestly think about a morning shag at the moment. She tried to hide into Sirius' chest as everything about the night before came back to her. How she had placed herself under not only Rose but James, her boyfriend's best mate. She had given up control to some of those closest to her, she had opened herself up in a completely new way. Being quite embarrassed over the situation she saw a bathroom door and made her way over to it, not even thinking twice about waking the others. As she got into the bathroom, she locked the door behind her. She sat down on the floor and just hugged her knees.

Rose was woken by the movement of the bed and only caught a quick peek of Penelope's butt cheeks as she closed the bathroom door. Getting up she moved towards the door and began to feel unease.

"Penelope?" She spoke in a soft voice sitting by the door right under the handle, knowing that something was bothering the Slytherin. Penelope listened to the voice outside of the bathroom, but couldn't even think about answering.

"If this is about last night you don't have to worry... or feel sad... you were such a good girl" Rose spoke once again, letting a tiny fraction of her Mistress's voice seep through, hoping to smooth the girl.

Still not answering Rose, she just couldn't, she was shaking and felt alone. Wanting to find a window, and just jump.

Almost as if sensing the mood of the Slytherin, Rose's eyes turned a bit darker as her hand found the door handle while thinking alohomora over and over in her head.

"Listen to me Little one" Rose spoke again, Tara/ Mistress was being more dominant now, fearing that the shorter girl would do something stupid. "We love you and all is okay. Nothing here can harm you. You are safe. And if you never want to speak about what happened yesterday night we wouldn't and if you want to talk about it we will, but you are safe with us."

Meanwhile over in the bed, Sirius began to wake. Reaching his arm to search for Penelope. He sat up as he couldn't feel her next to him. He began listening to what Tara was saying to the door, he knew something was wrong. He got up from the bed, making his way over to the door.

"Is she in there?" Sirius asked in a very sleepy voice. On the inside of the door, Penelope held onto her knees even tighter as she had moved from the door to the shower. She heard the second voice speaking, and she felt like she had disappointed Sirius the most.

"Yeah," Rose said, never taking her focus off the door handle, "but don't worry. Go put on clothes, I have her. And wake James, there is breakfast soon" She mentioned the newly folded clothes by the side of the bed and the other bathroom.

"Penelope... Darling... " Rose spoke once more to the door as her hand hovered over the doorknob. "Nothing is happening to you, I promise you are safe." Rose finally heard the lock click under her hand and not because Penelope had opened it but Rose's wand free magic had worked. Quickly walking in, Rose sees Penelope sitting in the shower hugging her knees close to her chest.

Penelope didn't look up, not even bothered by Rose, she had her head tilted to the left side like she was looking at something.

Rose moved slowly not to startle her before squatting down next to Penelope. Laying a gentle hand on the shorter girl's head, Rose began to pet the Slytherins head to bring her back from the depths of her mind.

Trying not to flinch at Rose's touch, her left hand was pressed onto her left thigh, as she was trying to hide something. Silent tears were streaming down her face.

Even though Rose knew that Penelope is in deep memory and feeling the pain from past experiences, Rose pulls Penelope out of the shower and places Penelope on her lap to smooth the shorter girl.

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