The wrong boy

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Penelope Burns were never one to talk about her relationship. Of course, she knew her boyfriend, Rodolphus Lestrange. One person who hated them together was Sirius Black, not because he was jealous, but because Rodolphus had a bad reputation for how he treated women. Although Sirius didn't know how bad it was, and Penelope didn't talk about it.

After the holidays in the 5th year, had things been very rough on their friendship, Rodolphus denied Penelope to talk to her friends outside of Slytherin. Even that was almost impossible. He wanted to know what she did, who she was with and where she was. So she thought it would be better to stay in the common room all the time when he was there, and she had very little spare time to herself.

Penelope missed Sirius deeply, but she knew the consequence of she did talk to him, it had happened sometime before, and it had ended in Penelope getting a rather nasty cut on her left thigh, and she had bruises on her upper arms and in her face. But the next morning, she had covered all of it. Makeup on her face and her shirt and skirt being long enough were all she needed to cover things he was doing to her.

Rodolphus had told Penelope multiple times that she was fat enough and that he didn't want her to be bigger, and that she stopped eating was something that her close friends took sharp notice of. Jasmin tried to talk to her about it, but Penelope just told her that she wasn't hungry and that she was fine.

One day her roommates had seen the aftermath of what Rodolphus had done to Penelope. In the time she had stopped eating, it had taken such a toll on her body that it was almost shutting down, they had found her unconscious, and that was the last straw from her roommates who have been hiding this secret. And they knew if they told anyone, it would be bad for Penelope, so this caused her roommates to take her to the hospital wing, and when Sirius learned this, he stormed out of class and headed straight to the hospital wing.

Rodolphus was there when Sirius got there, and when Sirius saw Rodolphus, something just clicked in him, that his best friend's boyfriend had been hurting his best friend for about 6 months. He didn't know about it, so when Sirius saw Rodolphus, he came flying and began beating him up for everything he had done to Penelope.

After beating up Rodolphus, Sirius made his way into the hospital wing and saw her roommates standing around her bed "how is she?" Sirius asked. Narcissa turned her head when she heard the voice of her cousin, "she will be fine. Poppy has given her something to help her," Narcissa told her cousin. Sirius made his way over to the bed, and he took her hand and held it tightly but not too tight.

Penelope has been unconscious for almost three days, and Sirius hadn't left her side once. He was scared something would happen to her if he did. He had been so scared that he had lost her, she meant everything to him, as his best friend, and maybe even more, he wasn't quite sure about the last thought he had. Sirius was asleep with his head on the bed when Penelope started to move. At first, he thought it was a dream, but then something made him realise that she was, in fact, moving.

"Sirius?" Penelope spoke with a rusty voice. Sirius's head shot up, and he just hugged her gently. As he hugged her, he could feel how skinny she had gotten. It was not that visible, but if you hugged her, you would be able to feel it. "Penelope, are you okay?" Sirius almost spoke, crying. He had really thought they wouldn't share anything.

"Yeah, I think so, other than I feel like I could eat way too much, and what happened to your knuckles?" Penelope took Sirius's hands into her own as she studied his hands. He didn't know what to say. One thing that took him by surprise was that she pulled his hands up to her mouth and kissed his knuckles gently.

"Please, Penny, end it with Lestrange, he is not treating you right, and you know that. I was bloody scared when Andy told me you were in here. I don't want to lose you, Penny, and I can't" Sirius let a small tear fall. This was the second time she had seen him cry. The very first time she had seen him cry was at her mother's funeral, sure it wasn't his mother, but he had more or less grown up in that house, so she could as well have been his mother. She pulled him in for a hug, but at that very moment in the door came Lestrange.

"I would be careful with what I do next if I were you, Burns", he snapped at Penelope.

"What are you doing here?" Sirius barked back at the older boy. "haven't you done enough?" Sirius again barked

Penelope took all the courage she had in her as she opened her mouth. "Lestrange, we are done. I can't keep doing this," she said, not louder than a whisper but just loud enough for him to hear. Lestrange made his way over to the bed and raised his hand at her. As his hand was making its way back and almost hitting Penelope, Sirius was fast to act and catch his arm midway.

"You will leave now, and know that is over between you and Penelope, understood," Sirius said with firm and hard, almost cold voice at the older boy. Lestrange didn't say anything. He just left.

"Are you okay?" Sirius asked with the most caring voice she had heard in a while, like someone actually cared.

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