First fight

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As exams was getting closer and closer, Penelope was stressing about it. It wasn't only taking a toll on her, but it was taking on a toll on Sirius as well, they didn't spend as much time together as they did before. He wanted to take her out and make her relax, but she was spending every hour of the day in the dark library or in her common room. She studied so much, that she forgot to eat, and he wanted to help her with remembering those small things. One day when she was leaving the library, she walked straight into Sirius, but she didn't see where she was walking as her nose was buried deeply in a book. "Oh, sorry" she said not looking up, and trying to get past whoever was standing in her way. "Love?" the voice called after her. She stopped dead in her tracks, she knew that voice. "Sorry love, I have to study, I have to go" she said, giving a small peck on the cheek and heading down to the doungs. Leaving Sirius standing like a fool. He followed her, stopping her just before she got into the common room "Love, please, I miss you" he said, indeed missing his girlfriend.

"I... I... can't do this... right now" she spoke in a low tone, trying to walk back into the common room. But Sirius wasn't having any of it. Keeping a tight hold of her hand he pulled her to the Gryffindor common room and up to his dorm.

"NO! We are having this right FUCKING NOW!" he raised his voice. His eyes wide with rage and frustration that he had built up over the last week. Penelope tried not to flinch at his hard tone. All of this reminded her to much of her relationship with Lestrange... and to be honest she was a little scared of Sirius right now, but she refused to show it and let her own anger take over.

"Would you CALM THE FUCK DOWN?!" Penelope snapped back, feeling her stressed mind take over, not really thinking about her words "SOME of us actually CARE about our FUTURE! NOT everyone SLACK off like YOU AND JAMES!!!"

He placed his hand on the base of her throat, right above her collarbone and pushed her back until she hit the wall. His grip tightened. Her pulse was accelerating too fast. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, so hard that she knew he could feel too.

He leaned down to her neck, his lips no more than an inch away from her skin, making her breath shallow.

"Don't think I can take control of my life?" he husked. She couldn't do anything but stare right back at him.

"Let me show you". She were blown away by the dominant tone in his voice, sure she had heard it once or twice before, but never in this kind of way. His eyes dark with lust, but she were sure, so were hers. She wouldn't admit to anyone but she have been secretly imagining this. He finally kissed her... well, not exactly. He bit her neck, nibbling it and leaving a bloody bruise. His hands were roaming her body, squeezing a bit too much to be gentle but it's not like she cared. She loved this.

"Bad girls get punished" he growled near Penelope's earlobe, biting and licking all the way. He was pressing his lower half against hers, making her whine a little.

"No, you don't get to talk," he commanded, so she had to hold back the next whine that was on its way.

"And you'll only cum when I say so, got it, baby girl?" he asked in a whisper before pressing his lips to her neck again for a second and she just nodded.

"Good girl," he whispered right into her ear. He pressed a kiss to her lips before pushing his tongue into her mouth and starting to unbutton her shirt, throwing it all the way across the room and unclasping her black lace bra while her hands started to wander his torso. But he wasn't having it. He took his belt and tied her small hands together, placing them behind her back. He stared at her breasts for a second with hunger before quickly removing her jeans, tossing them to the floor. He took one look at her black lace underwear and he smirked. His mouth made its way from her lips to the waistband of her panties. He tugged them with his teeth, slowly removing them. She were soaking and he knew it. And she knew that he was already hard himself.

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