Graduation ball

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It was time for everyone to get ready for the big graduation ball. A ball that most students looked forward to, but for Penelope, this meant going home and start her training to become a healer, not really what she had thought herself in, but that was also before she got together with player and prankster Sirius Black, he had saved her when she was at her darkest times. This past year and a half, have really changed her, but for the better. She had for the first time since her mother's death, been home over the Christmas holidays, and it was to Jack Burns surprise that she wrote a letter home and saying that she would be coming home for the holidays, and she wouldn't be alone, she would be bringing home a long time friend.

While deep in her thoughts, she began to get ready to put on her dress, which was an a-line long sparkly dark green, there was backless and had a slightly deep v cut, to show some cleavage. Penelope had never been one for balls, but she was a little excited to see her boyfriend in a tux. She slowly began on her makeup, she wanted to keep it simple, so she did a smokey eye, she used two shades of light brown and added those into her crease and blended them out so they gave details to her eye, she then added a darker brown to the outer corner of her eye, about one or two shades darker then the two she used in her crease. She applied a mix of silver and gold to her lid and inner corner of her eye. She called for her best friends, who had promised to help her with her hair, as it was uncontrollable, but the four girls manage to get it under control and into a beautiful hairstyle, in a half up half down with snake curls, with a braid going from ear to ear, with a few pearls in the braid.

It would be the last time she ever walks these halls and stays in this dorm. She remembered everything that had happened from the first year, when she started at Hogwarts with her cousin, to her second year when her mother passed, to her sixth year when she began dating Sirius Black and finding out she has a third cousin she never knew about and now to her last and seventh year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Everything had been a walk in the park more or less. Sure she had been fighting with her cousin for some time before their graduation about the weirdest things, Lily yelling at Penelope for dating Sirius and stuff like that.

Penelope sat on the chair in front of her mirror listening to her dormmates as they were talking about how their parents had their life planned for them. The reason for this being their pureblood status. Penelope loved that she was raised differently, but a small sad feeling remained in her heart at always being different from her dorm and many of the other Slytherins. Her father had done a wonderful job raising her alone after her mother's death, even though the grief of losing her mother and his wife. In the past five years, he had done everything, for the love of Merlin, in his power to be the best father to Penelope as he could. Sure being a Burns meant that they had money, but the love of both male and female parent was something Mr Burns never could give to his daughter. Penelope, even though a bit sad, smiled as she remembered when they went home last year (1977/7th) for Christmas, walking with Sirius. She remembered how her father at first had been a little unsure about his daughter bringing a boy home, but sure Mr Burns knew Sirius due to his friendship with Penelope.

Penelope overheard her friend Jasmin saying something about that she had an arranged marriage waiting for her as soon as she was done with school, and Penelope could not believe what she was hearing. Her best friends for the past seven years was getting married so soon. Penelope began daydreaming about a certain bad boy in a leather jacket.

As the five Slytherin girls made their way up from the dungeons and into the great hall, none of them had seen their boyfriends since yesterday, they all had agreed to surprise each other. Penelope was filled with butterflies and she couldn't wait to see her handsome man. The girls had also agreed to walk in together, so the five Slytherins and one Ravenclaw walked in arm linked to each other. Penelope being the shortest, was placed in the middle, along with on her left side was Jasmin, Narcissa on Penelope's right side, Rose on Narcissa's right side, while Bellatrix and Andromeda were on Jasmin's left side.

When the six girls entered the Great hall, it was unrecognisable, the hall was covered in happy memories from the past seven years. Penelope scanned the room, seeing her other cousin standing next to Snape? She had to take an extra look, but it was as sure as Remus transforming once a month.

Penelope began to look for her boyfriend, she found him standing with his best friends laughing and she thought how handsome he looked in his graduation gown. She made her way over to the group "Oi! Burns!" she heard James call and signalling her over and with that Sirius turned to look at his girlfriend. James poked Sirius with his elbow into Sirius's rips, a grin on his face. As Penelope made her way to the group she saw that Evans was standing next to James, and he had an arm around her waist, sure the two had been an official for some time now but it still seems weird to Penelope, seeing her youngest cousin with the Potter boy. Sirius greeted Penelope with a kiss, and she melted into the kiss rather quickly, wrapping her arms around his neck. They broke apart when they heard wolf whistles around them, which came from James and Remus, Sirius saw this as the perfect timing to take Penelope out for a dance, and she happily agreed. The song playing was a slow song, and the couple with Sirius leading. They danced for what seemed forever, but that was a good thing, Penelope felt safe in Sirius's arms, and his arms had always been home, but she never thought about it before this very night. She knew this was where she belonged and no one could tell her otherwise. This was her home, she was safe in his arms.

This gave Sirius a chance to get down on one knee. As Penelope had been distracted by the boys, so she did not notice that her boyfriend was down on one knee.

"Penelope Veronica Burns... Love, whenever I thought about my future when I was younger I never saw the one who I wanted to spend the rest of my life. But that changed when you came into my life, sure we have been friends for what seems like forever, but love, you have been everything that I have wished for. You have changed the way I look at things. You helped me in a way that no one ever would have. Love you mean everything to me. You have made me see that the life I grew up in was not the life I deserve, but love, with you it all makes sense. And there is absolutely nothing I would ever change about you, other than your surname. Penelope, love, will you marry me?" Sirius asked with his heart poured out to the one he loves, and the words that came from her mouth was about to make him cry.

"Yes! Nothing would make me happier than to spend the rest of my life with you" and with that Sirius basically jumped up to hug Penelope which ended in his spinning her around. He placed her down on the ground again and slipped the ring on her left hand. The ring was a simple silver band with a slightly big rock and small diamonds on each side of the main diamond, the main diamond was round and about one carat. The ring was beautiful in every way, but it was yet elegant, sure he had some help picking the perfect ring for his perfect girl. He pulled her into a very passionate kiss, cupping her face with both hands and not wanting to let go.

People around begin clapping for the now engaged couple, Dumbledore, Minnie and Slughorn were all smiling, Minnie were because of house unity. "Arh young love" came from Dumbledore, and the couple couldn't help smile at their headmaster.

"Let me see the ring," all of Penelope's friends said and soon circled around the short but older witch. The circle around her was a bit overwhelming, but they are all excited to see their best friend, engaged to the bad boy. She saw that Sirius's friends all hugged him, and much of a hugger had he never been until he met those crazy friends of his, but she had grown to like them, and now she wouldn't dream a day without them. James was pretty much Sirius' other brother, the two had never been without each other.  Remus also meant the world to Sirius, although the only time he would say that out loud, was when he was drunk. Peter, well Peter was just there, but he was still part of the group, he was rather hard to read, hard to get know and well he was pretty much just there.

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