The wedding ceremony

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"Are you ready?" Jack Burns' voice snapped Penelope out of her thoughts as she looks at the double doors to the great hall at Hogwarts, where the couple had chosen to have their ceremony.

"Yeah, I think" Penelope smiled at her father, trying to look confident. Not even a minute after she spoke the music began to play and bridesmaids and groomsmen began to line up.

Rose and James gave Penelope a quick smile before the door opens and they walks though with Bellatrix and Remus following, behind them walked Narcissa and Fabian, then Lagina and Gideon and last Jasmin and Regulus. All walking out within 30 seconds of each others. Penelope and Mr. Burns wait a minute or so before the doors open again letting them walk though.

Where the teachers table normally is, stands Minerva McGonagall with Sirius to her left, in his black tux. Lined up diagonally behind him stands Regulus, James, Remus, Fabian and Gideon in that order. Diagonally from Penelope's spot stands Jasmin, Rose, Bellatrix, Narcissa and Lagina in that order.
Reaching the end of rows she let out a small breath as her father gives her cheek a kiss, letting a tear fall as he handed her over to Sirius, letting her stand to the right of McGonagall.

Clearing her throat McGonagall began the ceremony as all the guests sat down.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Sirius Orion Black and Penelope Veronica Burns in matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

As no one says anything McGonagall continues with a smile on her face "please read your vows."

"Sirius Orion Black. You are everything that I have ever asked for. You are a wonderful man, one I never thought would be standing in front of me today. Love, you have always been a rebel, and I can say that you will most likely always be one and most like every other girl at school, I too fell for the charm. A secret very few knew, and I did everything I could to hide the fact from you, but that night after the quidditch match, between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, when you told me your true feelings. That was all it took, we become one the very next morning, everything fell into place. You have been there through good and bad, stuck by my side, when I made some very bad choices, but you were there when I was at my worst, you have seen me at my worst, quite a few times now. But all of that has brought us to this day. Sirius, I love you more than I can ever put words on and trust me, I tried. Nothing made me see how much I want to spend the rest my life with you, and I never second guessed about it for one day. Love, thank you for being you" Penelope reads first with tears in her eyes. Looking up at Sirius she sees tears streaming down his face, but the smile on his face wasn't one that could be misinterpret, he was happy.

Clearing his throat he pulls a small paper out of his pocket and gives her a smile before reading.

"Penelope Veronica Burns. I have known you since before we could walk and my first memory is of us playing in the back garden of 12th Grimmauld Place while our parents were on the patio. I remember your mom joking about us being married in the future and my mother taking it to heart. But maybe your mother was psychic, because here we stand ready to begin our life together. You balance out my craziness like no other and you are the one who knows what I'm thinking no matter what. Not even James can do that," This comment made the hall laugh as most knew of the two boys bond, knowing how close they are. "You are the one sole reason I wake up every morning. The one sole reason behind my every smile and the one sole person I love more than life, because you are my life, my oxygen and without you I cannot live." At the end of his vows he had once again begun to sniff, tears still streaming down his face.

McGonagall clears her own throat as not to cry and continues the ceremony.

"By the power vested in me by the state of the ministry of Magic, I now pronounce you husband and wife. "You may now kiss each other."

Loud whooping spread out throughout the hall as the couple kiss. "I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Sirius Black!" McGonagall speaks over the loud crowd.

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