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After the bride had changed into something more comfortable, a light summer dress in white with off the shoulder straps, at the front the dress was being held together by a bow leaving a little of her belly showing. On her head there was a cute summer hat and on her feet some cute sandals. Sirius didn't plan on telling Penelope where they were going for their honeymoon, sure he was a puppy for his wife, but had he put his mind on something, there was no way he was telling.

"Please love, why wont you tell me where we are going?"

"It's a surprise, mostly from me but also from Rose." It was easy to see that Sirius was happy to keeping the location from her and that she wouldn't be getting anything from him.

"Damn you" she mumble, but just low enough for him to hear it too

"What was that love?" Sure Penelope wore that pants, but he could always make her shut up and blush like crazy. He just looked over at her, and she wanted to say something, but the way he had placed his hand on her upper thigh, she knew it would be best to just shut it. And if she did say something, but he didn't like, he would easily denied her, her high later in the night.

"N-nothing" she somehow managed to get out, how she had no idea. She felt his hand traveling further up her thigh. Making it harder for Penelope to keep quiet and keep a moan in. As they were on their way to the airport Sirius kept on teasing her till got there. They didn't go through checkpoint, they made their out to a plane that was by it self. Penelope was very confused about it.

"Will you tell me where you are going already?" she begged her husband again as they sat down and began to make their way off the ground.

"If you keep up the act, there be no such thing as begin gently tonight" he whispered over the table to her, sending chills down her spine. Knowing that she didn't care if it was gentle or rough, she love it both ways, she sent him a smirk and a wink.

"Vixey, you really need to start behaving" he said with a smirk.

*Time skip brought to you by James Potter*

As the newly wedds arrived at the airport in Spain, Penelope had become so annoyed that she didn't even ask any more, and this was very unnatural for her to do so. Sirius had made love bites up and down her neck, and she for sure made som on him. About 30 minutes later did they arrive Hotel 1898 Barcelona. In the lobby when they had to check in, there was a minor problem. Sirius who didn't know a word of spanish so when the front lady talked he looked like a huge question mark.

"Hola y bienvenidos a hotel 1898. ¿En qué puedo ayudarlo?" the woman at the check in asked, Penelope was quick to help her husband

"Hola, nos gustaría registramos, por favor" Penelope answered the front lady with a kind smile.

"Muy bien, ¿nombre del booker?" the lady at the front decks asked Penelope, who look at Siriu, giving him a small kiss.

"Black" said Penelope

"Ah, sí, la luna de miel, ¿sí?"


"pasaporte y tarjeta de crédito por favor"The lady at front asked the pair.

"She wants your passport and credit card for check in" Penelope told her husband, Sirius handed it over the desk, as the front lady gave them a paper to sign. Sirius looked at Penelope, and she read them though, just to be sure.

"You just sign them" giving her husband a kiss on the cheek, Sirius did as told, and he than slided the paper over to the lady again.

*Space jump made by Rose Evans*

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