On the Hogwarts Express after Christmas

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Before train should arrive at Hogsmeade station, Penelope was sitting on her bed, with a letter in her hand, it wasn't from her father, but it was from Sirius, and she had always loved his hand writing. As she read the letter, she felt as if she could cry for hours.

Dear Pen.                                                                                                                 December 30th 1976

Why didn't you tell me about Lily and Snape bothering you? You should know by now that you can always tell me anything. Anyway, Reg came and talked to me when you left your common room on your mother's anniversary, and I'm truly sorry that I wasn't there, as I normally am. Reg said he saw that look in your eyes, and he knew that something was wrong, but he couldn't place his finger on it until later. He checked the calendar you have, and I should have known better than to leave you alone, and not take you with me to Hogsmeade. Anyway I hope you liked your Christmas and birthday presents. I really wished that I could have been there for you this year, but once again I failed as a friend, and letting you deal with all this alone, again, I'm so sorry...

Love, Siri.

The marauders was sitting in a compartment of their own, and they talked about their holidays and how Sirius had been at James's place almost all of the holidays. Two of the marauders has just told Sirius about the whole thing before the holidays , Penelope too had mentioned it one time in one of her letters. They are interrupted by Lily who had bursted into their compartment. Normally James would have looked only at her, but not anymore. He didn't even look at her, but rather behind her, hoping to get a glimpse of the younger Evans twin, christmas as she had went home. And as usual Lily did not pay any attention to Potter.

She was focused on Sirius and she soon began shouting at him "Black where the bloody hell were you right before christmas?!"

"Why should I answer you Evans? You know just as well as I do, that Burns has a bloody hard time right around christmas. If you bloody want to know, I was in Hogsmeade."Sirius said with rather hard tone.

Lily not letting it go "How the bloody hell do you know why she has a hard time?!" "Because I have known her just as long as you have!" Lily was taken back by his hard words. "How?"

"How do you think? Her father is a pureblood, and her father and my father went to Hogwarts together, both in Slytherin. So of course I knew her before Hogwarts, and both when her mother was diagnosed and later when she passed, was I the first to know." Sirius voice sounded rather sad due to whenever his parents were shit parents, and only saw Regulus as their only son, Sirius would always go to the Burns household or the Potter household.

"I think you should leave Evans" it came from Remus. Sirius heard the door open and close and he than let out a breath he did not know he held.

After some awfully long hours on the train ride, the train were finally at Hogsmeade station and to Sirius's surprise was Penelope there, as she had promised in one of her letters. When their eyes met, he made his way over to her and went in for a bear crushing hug. "Hey..." Penelope said searching for eye contact with him "Sirius...? Are you okay?" Penelope asked worried for her long time friend. Penelope looked up from the hug and met Lily's eyes on her. Sirius could feel Penelope become tense, and he had an idea why, so he turned them around so he was facing Lily. After two weeks apart and none of them had said a word to each other. The cousins had never been in such bad disagreement then the one two weeks ago. Penelope felt the urge to pull Sirius away from the boys and Lily and just talk with her best friend. It felt like ages since the two of them had sat down and just talked, he had missed her and she had missed him.

Especially on the 20th of December... he had always been by her side every year, and he wanted to last year as well, but there was just so much going on. She wanted to tell Sirius about the demons that she is fighting, but she knew that he had his family to deal with. So she thought it was better to deal with the voices and she had been doing that for the past four years.

"Sirius? Hallo?" Penelope finally getting his attention "Hmm? Sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts. Dare I ask how your holidays went?" Sirius said with care. "The same as last year, it's not the same being home since mums passing, it just hurts..." Penelope losing her words and they were replaced by tears, Sirius knew not to speak, and just pull her into a hug and held her tight.

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