Penelope's secret

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She normally did not have any problems with her hair, but this morning she had no idea how to tame it. She was getting ready for an important day, she had to meet her husband for some big news. Penelope had spent the night at her cousin's apartment for a little over a week, because her husband had been on business trips, and she did not want to be alone. Her cousin, Rose Evans, was over the top with joy for her cousin. After years of being hidden from each other, they finally were one. They knew that they needed each other more than someone to begin a bad influence on either of them. And they were also going to see each other for christmas and birthdays, so they knew they had to make up, and be friends again. Now two years later and out of Hogwarts. Rose and Penelope were now closer than ever. "Well Rose, I better be going now that I have this -" pointing to her hair "- under control. I will see you later"

"Say hello to loverboy from me," Rose said with a grin and a wink.

As she reached the place she was supposed to be at, she got out of her car, and looked up at the unique building as she had always admired, and when her eyes travelled to the text above the entrance with a big sign saying 'Black inc'. She made her way into the lobby as she had many times before. In the lobby, she was greeted by her old classmate, Alice Longbottom, and Penelope got her visitor card and made her way to the office and when she turned the corner she saw Marlene McKinnon walk out of the office door with a grin on her face. The two of them sent a glare after each other. Penelope knocked on the door, when she heard a hard "Come in" as she walked inside she was greeted by "Well, well Burns, I see you finally got that mess of what you call hair under control " he made his way over to Penelope, which gave her a chance to get a good look at him in a suit and the way it shows off his muscles, and she could not help but stare. And he had surely gotten pretty muscular over the past years since Hogwarts. "Don't you mean Black? Black." Penelope said with a wink and a small smirk found its way onto her face.

Just because he had been disowned by his awful mother, didn't mean he didn't find a way to survive. Sure it had only been a little under two years since they graduated from Hogwarts and about three years since they made it official. They had never been happier. She did however have a huge announcement to tell him. He leaned down to greet her with a kiss and at first glance it would look odd, but somewhat adorable. Their height difference had always had its difficulties, with him at 6'1 and her at 5'4, she still could not figure out how and why had it succeeded her to get the player of Gryffindor to settle with just her. She could still remember the day it became official that she, the bookworm of Slytherin, had gotten together with the player and bad boy of Gryffindor, and that they had been seeing each other for about six months. And in outsiders eyes were they, not your everyday couple was something one had never thought was possible. The once player/flirt and bad boy, now in a two year long marriage. People still find it hard to believe, but one who found it harder to believe was Marlene McKinnon, because she found it unfair that halfblood bitch could get "her man" and when she saw Penelope coming around the corner she could not help herself with the grin she put on her face as she walked by Penelope, even though she had just been fried.

"Did Marlene say or do anything?" Sirius asked with worry for his wife.

"No, she just had a grin on her face when she passed me."

"Well, she should not have done that."

"Why?" Not that Penelope cared, she was just a very curious person

"Because she was fried just 10 minutes before you got here, love."

"Oh, but are you off for lunch, darling?" Penelope asked with a cute smile. A smile he had not seen since Hogwarts, and it was the very same smile that made him fall head over heels in love with her. He could never say no to her no matter what. If you asked Sirius's friends what Penelope had done for him, they would say that she had changed him into a better man, and someone who would never hurt her, she was his other half. They completed each other.

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