Happy late birthday Penelope

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Her birthday had not been very eventful due her being at school, but she still got gifts from her father and the those there were left on his side. Penelope found the letter she wrote for her mother every year, and it made her birthday harder to know that her mother passed just nine days before she could celebert her daughters 13th birthday.

As Penelope found the letter, she had written on her mother's death anniversary and without really knowing, she had made her way to her bed and sat down on. And she knew it meant after she had read the letter over and over again.

Dear mum.                                                                                                                            December 20th 1976

I can not believe it has been four years since you passed.

I miss you every single day, and it does get easier as time goes on. This year I chose to not go home, and dad understood, he knows how hard this time is for me. Dad does everything that he can to make sure that I have everything that I need and I love him for that. Dad has told me that he wants his little girl to be happy again and find someone special, and I think I have mum, but I do not think he sees me.

I had a fight with Lily right before she left for the holidays and it was funny enough about a boy, the one I talked about before. Well I have a feeling that we will not talk for a while, because she thinks that she owns him.

Mum, I have been fancying Sirius for the past three years, and sure I have known him almost my whole life, something just changed when we got to school. But he has become a player and a flirt, and you know how dad would yell about not going out with him, because he would not forgive Sirius for breaking my heart, for hurting his little princess. But mum I really do not know what do, I have never felt this way before and I am scared, what if Lily tells him or someone else tells him. Mum it is times like these I need you more than ever. I would really do anything to see you again or be with you, because everything here is not the same without you, both dad and I miss you so much, and I know that dad misses you as well.

All my love

Penelope Veronica Burns

I miss you

Folding the letter back up and putting it into the yellow envelope and having locked the door for the rest of her dorm mates. She found her old razor blade from a little box she had gotten from her mother for her birthday one year and slowly dragged it over her left wrist and let the tears fall as the pain became to much for her to handle. Sure this was her way of comping with her mother's passing. She heard someone trying to get in to the room, but Penelope had put colloportus on the door, and she could guess it was Jasmin. After a few minutes Penelope heard Jasmin leaving the door.

Jasmin had left the door to their dorm, and she knew what it meant when ever Penelope did this, locking herself into the dorm and crying. Jasmin went to find one of the marauders and she was wishing that she could find Sirius before it got any worse.

As Jasmin made her way over to the Gryffindor tower, and standing in front of the fat lady "what is your doing here snake?" the fat lady hissed at Jasmin "Well I was hoping to see Mr. Black, you send him out please? It is rather important" Jasmin said in a hurry. The portrait opened and out came Sirius "Jasmin? What is the matter?" "It is Penelope..." It was all Jasmin could say before Sirius made his way to the dungeons and Jasmin hot on his heel and opening the door after having said the password. "Where is she?" Sirius asked with raspy voice, "this way" Jasmin showing him the way to their dorm... Penelope could hear someone unlock the door with alohomora but she did not pay much attention to the person all she could look at was her wrist.

"Penelope?.." she did not look up, all she could see was burly because of her tears, but she soon felt a pair of strong arms around her which made her burst into tears even more. "Penelope.. talk to me.. please" Penelope held onto Sirius arms, while her left wrist bled onto her shirt as she pressed her arm against his "I.. I am sorry" she said barely above a whisper. Sirius said nothing, just pulling her into a even bigger hug and not wanting to let her go. Sirius took Penelope arm away from her chest and took a look at the cuts on her wrist "Why? Penelope, you know you can always talk to me about it right?" "I did not know how to tell you, everything was terrible, I...I...I " "Shhh.. It is okay" Sirius said into her hair "Can you... please stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone" again her voice not louder than a whisper, Sirius did not say anything, he just nodded.

After having Sirius treat her wounds and put bandage on them, making sure they wouldn't fall off easily. Penelope laid down on her bed, curling into to Sirius, feeling bad about that he had to see her in such a bad place. Sirius put his arm around her small waist as they laid in her bed. As Penelope drifted of to sleep, she heard Sirius whisper "Happy late birthday, love" as he leaned down give her a kiss on the cheek, she turned her head so their lips met. And not begin fully asleep she kissed him back. It at first took him by surprise, but soon the kiss got slightly more heated. The pair later fell asleep in each others arms

The four other girls came into the dormitory and saw that there was a boy in their dormitory, but they didn't want to wake them up. It seemed like they had just fallen asleep, and sure they were Slytherins, but it didn't mean that just because there was a boy in their dorm room, that they start scramming. Jasmin of course knew who it was, but just told the other three girls that it was a meaningful person to Penelope. The girls respected that, and let it pass. The two woke by the noise the other girls had made when they left again "how are you feeling?" Sirius asked quietly "better, but I need to know about the kiss" Penelope told him quietly not wanting the other girls to come in. He didn't say anything, but kissed her again.

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