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"Alright girls," Penelope spoke as the 6 girls all sat in a compartment together, Penelope had Rose to her right and Jasmin to her left. In front of her was Andromeda with Bellatrix to her left and Narcissa to her right. "So Sirius and I have already set a date, and the wedding will be on September 13th."
"But that is only 4 month away?!?!" Jasmin yells while the rest of the girls sit quietly with their mouths hanging open.

"So what? We want the wedding to be over pretty fast and just start our lives"

"But P... that only give the 5 of us to plan a whole wedding; find flowers, a location, decoration, dresses, and tux for the boys. And then the honeymoon and the food and the drinks, and the cake and..." Rose panic before Narcissa reach over and taking the Ravenclaws hands in her own, calming the other girl down.
"Breath Rose..." Narcissa smiles, focusing on keeping Rose calm as Jas take Penelope out of the compartment, knowing that the other Slytherin hates stressful situations.

While outside of the compartment, Penelope felt something she hadn't felt in a very long time. At first she wasn't sure, but when the shaking began, she knew just what it was. A panic attack, coming in at full speed. In all the time she had been with Sirius, she had felt safe and the panic attacks had stopped.

Inside the compartment the other girls had not taken notice of the two Slytherins leaving the compartment. The three other began talking about the wedding and what they would need for it to be perfect for Penelope.

"Okay so we need a mission plan" Bellatrix began taking out a piece of parchment, some ink and a quill. She began to write down as Narcissa, Rose and Andromeda list things of they need to do.

Wedding plan for Penelope' wedding Date: 13th of September '78

Before wedding we need:

Location, Theme and Decoration, Food and Drinks, Flower bouquets and Flower at the tables, Appointment for dress fitting; bridesmaid dresses, wedding dress and maid of honor dress, Appointment for tux; groom, best men and groomsmen, Appointment for cake and food tasting, Planning of honeymoon.

Rose will be in charge of:


Helping with Honeymoon

Narcissa will be in charge of:

Decoration and Theme

Bellatrix will be in charge of:

Appointment for Dresses

Appointment for tuxes

Jasmin will be in charge of:

Bachelorette party

Flower bouquets and Flowers on tables

Andromeda will be in charge of:



Sirius will be in charge of:

Honeymoon, help from Rose

On the day of the wedding:

Bellatrix will keep anyone on track

Jasmin will be in charge of Makeup on bridesmaids, maid of honor and bride

Andromeda will be in charge of dresses and tuxes as well as snacks for both groups

Narcissa will be in charge of hair on bridesmaids, maid of honor and bride

Rose will be in charge of the boys, making sure they are on time and ready

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