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The soon to be wed couple, was curled up in each other's arms. They enjoyed the silence as much as they could before her friends came over and talk about the wedding. Sure the couple were more than excited to say yes each other, but with Penelope's friends organising the wedding and Bellatrix managing the time schedule it was important to be on time and having ones thing in order.

"Morning guys" Bellatrix' voice rang out as she walked into the Black house with her sisters by her side. Behind her walked Jasmin, Rose and Lagina.

Five out of the six girls sit down on the sofa and seats around the living room, Bellatrix being the only one standing.

"Okay guys, we are one month from the wedding and all loose ends have to be tied now, as in today. Sirius, Rose, how are the honeymoon destination coming?"

"All booked and ready." Sirius and Rose speak in sync. making the rest of the room look at them in wonder and slightly creeped out. But the two only smiled, keeping their eyes on Bellatrix as she continued on.

"Right... Cake, food and drinks?" She looked at Penelope and then Andromeda.

"Ready, menu and plan for the day is planen with the chef." Andromeda voiced, the food and cake tasting had gone well the month before and they were able to lay down a plan.

"Location?" Bellatrix continued, wanting to make sure everything was ready to run on the day
"Check" Rose state, "all is ready and the waiters will set all of it up the day before with strict guidelines from me."

"Good, Decorations and all flowers?"

"All of it ready." Jasmin and Narcissa voice. Both of them laughing a little afterwards.

"Wonderful, and all the bridesmaids dresses are ready?"
"Yep," Lagina speak up, "And so are the wedding dress, we only need to have it fitted a week or so before the wedding." Lagina had designed the dress for Penelope as no shop had one she liked. Her dress was a traditional white dress, that is of the shoulder, a sweetheart neckline and half deep back. The top being fitted to Penelope's figure that flows out at the top of her thighs with a long train. The design on the dress was lace in the pattern of small flowers that lays closely on the top and more freely on the bottom and no beading whatsoever.

"Wonderful, than we are on schedule and can relax a bit." Bellatrix smiled, looking around her friends as they all fall into easy talk, every conversation on anything other than the upcoming wedding.  

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