Girls just wanna have fun

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Rose and Penelope had spent most of their day in the Gryffindor Common room with Remus to study. Both of their boyfriends were in detention for yet another prank.

When they were done with studying, and Remus had left to see Bellatrix they didn't really have anything to do, since they were done with all of their homework, so the two decided to go on an adventure in Gryffindor tower. They, of course, ended up in their boyfriends' dorm and saw that both of them had a bottle of firewhiskey and with nothing else to do they opened the first bottle, feeling the burn that the whiskey left down their throats. As the hours passed and their men were still not back, and already done with the first bottle they opened the second. Penelope began to feel tipsy and also got that burning feeling in her lower belly. Rose saw the chance in Penelope's eyes as the music they had been playing shifted to a Latin song and Penelope got onto the floor as if the music was inside her. She moved her hips like she had done that night at the club. Enjoying herself to the Latin music, her hands travelled up and down her body, almost as if she was teasing Rose to take her.

Rose was sitting on James' bed with the bottle of firewhiskey in her right hand as Penelope kept on dancing. Taking a big gulp of the alcohol Rose feels it burn down her throat and contributing to the burning desire in her belly. She watched closely as Penelope slowly removed her blacktop, and soon the top had left her hand and was now on the floor, and now only in her blue jeans and black bra, that hugged her curves lovely.

"Get over here, Little one" Rose spoke as her eyes run up and down Penelope's body taking all of her curves in.

Penelope made her way over to her Mistress, turning around and started to sway her hips in front of Mistress as she began to remove her jeans as the music got more heated. Swaying her arse more and more in front of Mistress was making herself wet, not that she had noticed before.

Rose moves her left hand from the edge of the bed to Penelope's hip, running her hand down her thigh and back up. As Little one jiggles her arse in Rose's face, she uses her left hand to spank Little one's left cheek before standing up behind the short girl, pulling Little one's arse into her hips taking a big swing of the firewhiskey.

Penelope let out a big moan by the spank Mistress gave her. Her jeans still were not fully off, which made it hard for her to keep dancing as she did. Penelope took the fire whiskey from Rose and took a big gulp out of it as Rose began to run her hands down Little one's legs and pull the shorter girl out of her jeans. Sneaking her arms around Little one's small waist she turns the Slytherin around and lifts her up making Little one put her legs around her Mistress' waist. Pulling little one's head back by her hair, Rose lays kisses and many hickeys on her Little one's neck and chest before throwing her onto the bed and crawling over her.

As Penelope was thrown onto the bed, she let a tiny moan fall from her lips and felt herself becoming wetter by the sight of Mistress crawling on top of her.

"How happy are you with this sexy ass underwear?" Rose growled into the girl's ears as one of her hands found its way inside her thong and played with her Little one's clit.

"I have a lot of these, why?" Little one moaned as she felt her Mistress finger playing with her clit.

"Because I'm gonna ruin it if you don't get it off in less than 5 seconds" Mistress snares, pressing her fingers against Little one's clit faster and harder.

Little one moaned very loud at this, so loud that she didn't answer her mistress, and couldn't care about her underwear as she was way too caught up in the action.

When Little one didn't answer Mistress the taller of the girls removed the hand from her clit and moved it to her breast where she quickly ripped Little one's bra in two. Not caring one bit, Mistress moves on till her head is by Little one's sweet pleasure point. Giving a lick to the outside of her black thong Mistress takes a hold of them and rips them from Little one's body.

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