Getting together?

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Let's get this clear: Penelope Burns detested Sirius Black's manner in certain areas. The Slytherin was amongst the very few that didn't fall for the Gryffindor's charms and it is why the two was so good friends. Penelope were sat underneath a large tree in the grounds, a blanket wrapped around her legs, contently reading when Sirius approached her for the first time that day (it was 5pm, a record). "Have you been hiding from me?" he teased her like he often did.

Penelope didn't respond.

"Because that would hurt my feelings." He pressed on.

This time though Penelope smiled down at her book.

"Ooh ouch. I know you like me really." He said confidently.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were holding a mirror." She retorted, looking up, teasing the slightly older boy back with a small smile on her face.

"Haha. See you tomorrow love." He called, before jogging back over to his group.

Once he and his group were out of eyesight, Penelope folded her blanket up and made her way back to the castle, leaves crunching underfoot and her mind swarming with sarcastic remarks for Sirius. Penelope were more of the lonely kind and so didn't like being in the common room during weekends therefore spent a lot of time in the East Wing Tower with her owl or speaking with Jas, Bella, Andy or Cissa. Today, however, she had decided to spend a long time outside and so had just enough time to drop her blanket off before dinner.

She sat down near the end of the table, next to her friend Jasmin. "I haven't seen you today." She commented.

"I was outside reading, sorry."

"It's fine- potions essay Monday then?"

"Um, sure." Internally, Penelope groaned, she liked being alone and didn't understand people who constantly felt the need to do work together- Sirius and his friends do that, she thought to herself.

She ate dinner reasonably quietly with only a few people asking her what she got for a question in her homework or how her father were doing (purebloods were friends with purebloods). That was until Jasmin dropped the bombshell question: "Penelope are you coming to the party tomorrow, after the quidditch match?"

Before she could even think of an excuse she whispered, "I know you're not doing anything. You're coming."

Penelope gave her a half-hearted glare and nodded her head, maybe that's what Sirius was talking about.

After dinner, she wandered to the East Wing Tower and stayed there until lights out, only getting the feeling that someone was by the door once.

When Penelope woke up the next morning, her dorm room was full of excited chatter about what to wear tonight to the party, what makeup style they should go for and, the most important question, who they were going to get with that night. The Burns got out of bed the second time she were shouted at because, apparently, it was necessary to choose her outfit 8 hours before the event.

30 minutes later, she walked into the Great Hall and sat down, content just listening to the excited chatter that surrounded her. Today was Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw so there was no booing or hissing, only cheering and clapping.

"Ooh, cornflakes my favourite." Said a silky voice from behind her.

The slytherin ignored it, knowing fully well who was behind her by the look of the younger Black brother and the Black triplets faces.

"Ah come on love." She finally turned to face the boy, "there we go, now are you coming tonight?"

"And if I was?"

The Black household #1 | S. Black X OFCWhere stories live. Discover now