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"And... And sometimes you look at me and I think you either want to kill me or kiss me," she stammered. "And honestly, it's rather confusing, but also mildly attractive, and... Is that your hand on my arse?" A strangled laugh escaped from Sirius' mouth as he pressed her abdomen closer to his. "It is. Does it bother you?"

"I think I like it there, actually." her voice was low, but Sirius heard it anyway.
"If you're going to keep staring at my lips," her drawled after a couple seconds of silence, gaining a boost of confidence from the look of desire in his eyes, "might as well just kiss them."

His lips found their way to hers. Penelope senses reorient themselves as she felt him cupping her ass, pinning her back against a wall. He settled perfectly in between her thighs and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist for leverage. His tongue traced along her bottom lip frantically. A low moan escaped her mouth, something that turned him on. She could feel his member poking her thigh, a thing that he knew turned her on. His taste exploded into her mouth as he slipped his tongue in, caressing hers passionately, making Penelope beg for more. His kisses made their way to her neck, biting her soft spot making her whimper. She threw her head back to the wall. This was far more intense than she could have ever expected. Biting, licking, kissing his way down, he moved his lips past her collarbone and to her chest. He tore her shirt open. She gasped slightly, looking at him with a burning sensation building up. There was... lust and passion and dear Merlin, she wanted more.

"I was afraid to ever make a move, even though I fell for you the first time I saw that gorgeous smile of yours" he husked. He was driving her insane.

"I want you" she breathed out. A beat passed between the two before they practically collided together, her hands buried in his hair, bringing his lips harder against her own. He took both of them off the wall, stumbling through her rough kisses to bring her back to Hogwarts. Having a hard time keeping their hands off each other.

Back at his dorm he bring her over to his bed. He broke her away from him so he could lay her down on top of the sheets and soon she felt his warmth against her as he crawled on top of her. His hand brushed her hair from her face as he leaned down to kiss her again, slowly moving his lips over hers this time. She adjusted her body underneath him to be pressed against her, in all of the right places. His broad physique and warm muscles felt so damn good against her body and all she could do was to wrap herself around him.

As things was getting more and more serious between Penelope and Sirius, although they were still keeping their relationship a secret. Whenever the two had the chance to find an empty classroom or basically anywhere empty and alone, they would often sneak off. Sure Sirius has been a lot of girls and a handful boys and Penelope never been with a boy before, she knew that she could trust Sirius and that he would never hurt her.

As they got into the Gryffindor boy dormitory and he had closed the door behind them, they were fast to act. He had leaned down to kiss her, and soon her arms found their place behind Sirius neck, and his arms snaked their around her small waist, lifting her up. One hand trailing from her waist to her round arse, he grabbed on to it, and she could not help herself but moan at his touch. Her arms had made their way to his leather jacket and without blinking or thinking she pulled his jacket off, making her way to the bottoms of his shirt. One by one opening his shirt, she broke the kiss in need of air and so she could steal a quick look at his half opened shirt. His hands that had left her arse and had also found their way to her shirt, though he was not so gentle with her shirt as she was with his. When her shirt was finally open he stopped for a minute or two to just stare at her, taking in how beautiful she was. His eyes going to her chest, that was rising from the panting, his lips did not make contact with her lips this time but the sweet spot on her neck. Once again she let out a moan, though this one was quite loud. He started nipping on her neck, in which making her whimper from pleasure.

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