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"Alright..." Bellatrix began holding her notebook, a present she had gotten from Rose as they began planning the wedding, as she looked at the girls in front of her, all sitting at the long table in her meeting room at her and Remus' house. "We go dress-shopping in the morning so Penelope, I need you to be up at 6am and ready to leave the house at 7am and yes Sirius already know of this so no need to stress about that, okay?"

All Penelope did was nod, letting the oldest Black triplet run the show, knowing that Bellatrix knew what she was doing.

"Good..." Bellatrix continued, writing something down in the notebook. "So status... Narcissa... Theme and decoration, how far are we?"

Narcissa got up and with a flick of her wand, a decorations set popped up at the head of table.

"So I was thinking glamorous Slytherin with a dash of quidditch for our favorite seeker. For the quidditch dash I was thinking that we put "He's a keeper!" with the goals on Sirius' champagne flute and "She's a catch!" with the snitch on Penelope' champagne flute. And as for table arrangement we do dark green tablecloth, see-through glass with a golden rim and white, black and golden plates and cutlery."

"Good, Rose? Location?" Bellatrix looked over at the redhead as Narcissa sat down, making room for Rose at the head of the table.

"We will have a head table where the bride and groom will be sat. Sirius will be sat at west side and Penelope to the east side. On each side of the dance floor there will be a table for the families. The Blacks west of the head table and Mr. Burns, The Potters and The Evans east of the head table. South of the room there will be 3 round tables for friends and old housemates.

Bridesmaids and groomsmen will be sat at respectively the bride and the grooms sides at the head table". Any questions?" Rose finish with a huge smile, the business facade slipping as she looks at her close friends.
"No, that was nice Rose, thank you" Bellatrix smiled letting the Ravenclaw sit back down before calling Andromeda up.

"Okay so for food and drinks I was thinking a big buffet with a little of anything, but Penelope I have arranged with the chef and cake designer that we, you, Sirius and I, have a look and taste in a month, that way there are still time for any changes if needed." Andromeda smiles at Penelope, as said girl nods. "Okay and for the cake I was thinking a three level chocolate cake with a white cover, gold and green decorations to match the tables and themes. As well as 4-5 golden snitches to honor our favorite seeker."

"Thank you Andromeda." Bella check of on her notebook "Jas, how is the bachelorette party coming along? And the flowers?"
"Yeah, the bachelorette party is booked and ready but I will not talk about it as the bride is here" Jasmin turns slightly to look at Penelope and gives her a wink before looking back at Bellatrix. "And for the flowers on the tables they will be at every 4th person and they will be white, golden and black. As for the bouquets for Penelope it will be primarily be green and white with a few really dark red in between."

"Good. Is that all?" Bellatrix asks looking around the table one last time. All the girls shake their heads, making Bellatrix smile. "Good, keep on schedule and we will meet back here in two month for another meeting, otherwise I'll see all of you tomorrow at dress shopping where our last bridesmaid Lagina Malfoy will join us.

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