Why Would He Think That?

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I drove around town for the next ten minutes. Then the traffic started pissing me off, so then I drove to the next town over-which is an hour away. This town is smaller than the one I live in, looked ran down, old, but it has this comforting feel to it.

I drove around the town for a while, windows rolled down while I drove slowly down the back roads with my music on high. It was only when the sun started to go down did I start my drive back home. Getting home around eight-thirty, neither parents questioned where I had been most of the evening or when I just went up to my room without saying a word.

The only thing was, I hadent even collapsed onto my bed for even a full minute before I heard a knock on the front door and I was called downstairs.

Groaning and knowing who it was most likely was, I got up and went down the hall. I paused at the top of the stairs and saw who I was not at all expecting. I saw the brightly colored hair of Michael.

"Michael?" I called in curiosity.

He looked up and gave me a small smile. I waved him up and disappeared back into my room, not waiting for Michael. I re-collapsed onto my bed and heard Michael enter my room, quietly closing the door behind him.

At first, he didnt say anything. He just stood there quietly, I could feel his eyes burning a hole in the back on my head. FInally, he stepped forward and gently sat down next to me on the bed.

"I'm not going to ask if you're ok because its obvious you're not," He said.

I sighed.

"But I am ok," I kind of lied.

It was half truth and hald lie. During my drive I was thought over things. I knew that Ashton liked me, but its something that I cant just ignore. His ex-girlfriend just ranomly showed up and she kissed him. Then she tried disrespecting me? Yeah, no.

"That is a load of shit and you know it," He scoffed.

I sat up and glanced over at him. He looked worried about me, maybe for me.

"Michael," I started. "I dont know anything about her. I dont even know who broke off the relationship. All I do know is that she kissed him and that she got all prissy towards me after she knew I was his girlfriend. I just dont know what to think about this, but I trust him."

Michael pulled me into an unsespecting hug and I gladly excepted it.

"I know you do," He mumbled into my hair. "And he currently feels terrible about what happened. As soon as you left he all but basically pushed her off his property and immediatly came over here just to find you not home. He got really worried and hasnt left his room since."

I pulled away from Michael and looked into his dark green eyes.

"I feel bad for leaving like I did, but trust me, if I hadnt I might have ended up strangling her," I said seriously.

Michael chuckled.

"Yeah, I could tell and I think Ashton could tell too," He said.

I didnt say anything.

"I think you should go talk to him," He continued. "He's practically dying right now."

I groaned.

"Dont tell me something like that!" I exclaimed standing up quickly.

"Well, he is," Michael said standng up also.

I groaned again and slightly glared at him. He noticed and held his hands up in surrender.

I sighed and relaxed. I went up to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you," I said softly.

"For what?" He asked.

"I dunno," I mumbled. "You just always seem to be there during these times."

"Then, you're welcome," He said.

I could hear the smile in his voice. I pulled back and smiled at him.

"Well," I said. "Its too late for my parents letting me out of the house, so I'll talk to him first thing in the morning."

"Have fun," He said leaving.

I once again collapsed onto my bed. Deciding on at least calming Ashtons mind, I grabbed my phone and texted him.

To Batman: I promise I'm not at all mad...Talk to you tomorrow

I got a reply instantly.

I'll explain EVERYTHING tomorrow, I PROMISE!

Knowing it probably wasnt the best idea, but I didnt reply. Instead, I got up and changed into sweats and a T-shirt. I passed out quickly and had nightmares that involved Ashton, Delilah, and not me.


The next day at school, Ashton quickly found me and pulled me aside.

"S-sh-he means n-nothing," Was the first thing out of his mouth.

I forced a tight smile.

"Babe," I said. "I trust you."

He seemed to relax slightly, but not fully.

"I d-don't even know w-w-why she's in t-town and I'm s-sorry for how s-she started to t-tr-treat you last night," He added.

"It's ok," I reassured him.

"Its not," He said.

I smiled at him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"I promise its fine," I said.

"One m-more thing," He said looking suddenly really nervous and slightly scared.

I quirked an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked carefully.

"Well, u-ummm," He stuttered. "U-u-ummm, sh-she wants to c-catch up t-today after s-sc-school."

I felt my body tense up.

I am not jealous, I started to chant in my mind once again.

"But," He added hurridly. "I t-t-told her I h-had to ask you f-first. I w-wont go if you s-say n-no."

Biting my tongue of what I really wanted to say, I forced a smile upon my lips and tried to appear relaxed.

"Yeah, sure, go right on ahead," I said turning to start walking towards my first period. "Go and rekindle."

"A-Addy," He said following me.

He grabbed my arm to stop me, but I pulled it gently from his grasp.

"I dont control you're life Ash," I tried not to snap. "I told you its ok."

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and laid my hand on his arm gently.

"Like I said," I added. "I completely trust you."

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