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The next morning I sat in the cafeteria with Stacy and her minions.

"So, I heard the Four Eyed Loser was at your house last night," Stacy said with a grimace.

I shrugged.

"Yeah, my mom invited him and his mom over for dinner," I said vaguely.

"Did you talk to him?" Regina asked with a look of disgust.

I shrugged again.

"Not really," I said honestly.

They seemed pleased enough to drop the subject.

My phone vibrated in my hand.
I looked to see a text from an unknown number.

It's Ashton

I smiled slightly, and continued reading the text.

What happened to your better clothes?

I looked up to scan the cafeteria. I found him in his usual seat, but this time Luke, Michael, and Calum were sitting with him.

I noticed right away that he wasn't wearing his glasses.

He was cute without them, but they just kind of fit him in a way that I miss.

What happened to your glasses? I retorted.

His eyes met mine, but as quickly as they did, he looked back down.

I don't wear them all the time

I held back a snicker.


How would you know? He asked.

I looked across the cafeteria at him and waited for him to meet my eyes. When he finally did I gave him an are-you-kidding-me look. He looked down at his phone and a second later my phone vibrated.

Fine, I just didn't want to wear them today

God, this better not be about what I've heard people call him.

Ash, you ignore them

I don't know what you're talking about

Ashton don't play dumb, it doesn't work with me

His next reply took a few seconds.

Well that's no fun :(

I laughed silently and looked over at Ashton to find him smiling with me. The bell rang and I put my phone in my pocket.

Mr. Fisher once again made Ashton read aloud in English, causing everyone to laugh once again, and once again, I took over.

During lunch, Ashton and I continued to text.

Thanks for earlier, he texted.

Always glad to help

I took a bite of my salad and felt my nose scrunch up with distaste.

That's doesn't look very tasty

Its not I seriously hate salad

Then why don't you get something else? He asked.

Can't, I said simply.

This pizza is very delicious, Ashton teased.

I looked up to see Ashton waving his pizza around and then take a big bite of it.

I frowned at him and text him: Not nice Mr. Irwin :p

I shook my head and pushed my salad away.

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