I'm Not Jealous, I'm Mad

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At lunch, I wanted to be alone, still a little pensive about Ashton going to lunch with Delilah, but I wanted him to know that I really was ok with him going, so I sat with him and the guys at lunch. Not really all that hungry, I didn't get lunch, so I sat quietly beside Ashton, holding his hand under the table.

"Are y-you ok?" He whispered in my ear.

I looked at him a smiled.

"Of course," I replied cheerily.

I knew my smile didn't meet my eyes and I could tell he noticed.

He stared at me a little longer than he usually would have, but finally he smiled and went back to eating on handed. I glanced across the table at Mikey who gave me a curious look.

Usually, Mikey sits next to me, but Luke had really wanted to sit next to me today, so they switched.

I shrugged slightly at him.

I could tell he didn't believe me in anyway, but I couldn't deal with that at the moment. I was too lost in thoughts about what might happen during his lunch.

After school, before I could even start my car, Michael jumped into the front seat and grinned goofily at me. Ok, don't me wrong, I love the kid, I really do, but I wanted to be alone to wallow in my thoughts.

"Out," I ordered.

"No," He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Michael, get out of my car," I said glaring at him.

"Fuck you," He mumbled, locking his door, not getting out.

Not being able to ignore my sarcastic side, I spoke up once again.

"Sorry, babe, I got my eyes on someone else," I said, winking at him.

His eyes widened slightly, not expecting my response. Finally, he set his jaw and a lazy smirk plastered his red lips.

"Are you saying you would if you weren't dating Ashton?" He asked.

I turned the keys in the ignition, starting the car before answering.

"That depends," I answered.

"On what?"

I put on the most serious face I could muster.

"Only if you're good in bed," I said.

He lost his game and thought about my condition.

"But," He said, sounding slightly unsure. "I honestly don't know if I am or not." He trailed off a little and looked at me a moment later. "I would like to think I am."

I broke out laughing.

"You know I love you right?" I asked ruffling his hair, playfully.

He swatted my hand around and grumbled something under his breath.

I cupped my hand around my ear.

"What was that?" I asked teasingly. "I didn't quite catch that."

"Don't touch my hair," he grumbled more loudly this time.

I started laughing and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Wait," Mikey suddenly said when I had stopped at a stop light.

"What?" I asked thinking something bad happened.

"Lets go to the mall," He suggested.

Ugh, I hated that place ever since they made me go there multiple times for all those horrendous new clothes.

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