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The next morning I stared longingly at the clothes I loved.

I turned and glared at my overly girly clothes that Stacy had made me get.

At the beginning of sophomore year when Stacy decided to randomly take me in, she gave me a full make-over.

Making me wear make-up and buying me clothes that I hated.

I don't know why I've stayed and dealt with it all.

I hated her and her minions and hated that they are bullies.

I've never been mean to a single person.

I just stay out of everything, standing in the back when Stacy is being a bitch.

I feel guilty, because I've never stood up for her victims, never told her that it wrong of her, never walked away.

I hated myself because of it.

I sighed and changed into a black spaghetti strap dress with the mid-drift exposed, a pair of black studded ankle boots, a couple gold necklaces, and pulled a vintage looking floral cardigan on my arms. I left my hair down and pulled back a few strands from the front and secured them in the back with a black bow.

I glared at my image in the mirror and went downstairs.

I was about to leave when I heard my baby sister crying upstairs in her room.

I waited a few seconds and still didn't hear her stop crying.

I set my bag down next to the door and ran up the stairs. Entering her room, I went over to her crib. My baby sister, Sadie lay in her crib crying.

She was only five and half months old. Her big blue eyes that matched mine were glossy with tears.

"Oh, baby girl," I cooed as I picked her up gently.

She stopped crying as I held her close to my chest. I wiped the tears off her cheeks and headed to my parents room.

Mom was fast asleep and was snoring softly. Dad was out at work, leaving an hour before I even wake up.

I hated doing this; she hasn't had all that much sleep since she gave birth, and I liked helping when I could.

I went over to my mom side, and shook her lightly.

"Mom," I said softly.

She woke up quickly.

Having two children seems to make it easier to wake her up, even if she was super tired.

"Yes, honey?" She asked sitting up slowly.

"Mom, do you want me to stay home today so you can get some sleep?" I asked gently.

She gave me a sleepy smile and shook her head.

"No, but thank you," She said taking Sadie from me.

"Are you sure?" I asked slightly worried.

She nodded.

"You know I love you, right?" She asked.

I laughed lightly and nodded.

I kissed her forehead and headed for the door.

"I'll see you after school," I said.

She lay back down next to Sadie.

Stacy was waiting impatiently in my driveway.

"What the hell? I was about to leave your ass," She snapped.

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