Box Girl

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I jumped up in my spot, yelling,"I'm Box Girl!"

Startled, Ashton jumped back and covered his heart with his hand. I fell back inside the box, laughing really hard for the second time that day.

Suddenly, ping pong balls were poured over my head. I yelped in surprise. Ashton started laughing and poured more over me.
I shielded my face, even though they were small, hallow, and painless, I didn't need any poking me in the eye.

The balls quit falling on me and it was suspiciously quiet. I poked my head over the top and Ashton jumped into the box with me. He shuffled around a bit, and I somehow ended up sitting next to him with my legs over his lap. I looked over and our faces were inches a part.

"C-c-comfortable?" He questioned.

I nodded and grinned and he chuckled.

"What are you doing?" I gestured at him sitting in the box with me.

"Be-being Box B-boy," He said with a small chuckle.

I laughed.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and noticed that it was getting late.

"I need to get going," I said standing up from my comfortable spot next to Ashton.

"D-do you h-have to?" Ashton asked sticking his bottom lip out in a pout.

He stood up along side me and looked down at me. He looked completely adorable with his plump lips in a pout and his hazel eyes giving me the puppy dog look. I laughed and forced myself to look away.

"Yes," I said sadly.

Ashton helped me get out of the box and got out himself.

"I'll w-walk you out," Ashton said moving to his closet.

My eyes widened when I remembered what laid in wait for him. I quickly moved over to the doorway and pulled the video up on my phone. I started recording just as he opened the door.

A colorful bunch of balls rained down onto Ashton. He just quickly looked down and waited patiently for it to stop. They piled up at his feet, a bunch of them rolling out across his almost empty floor, adding more colorful ping pong balls to the mix.

When it stopped, he slowly looked up, giving me a death glare. I was still recording and I slowly looked up to meet his gaze. Without stopping the recording I opened my mouth to speak.

"I'll be going now," I said quickly turning around and running for the front door.

"ADDISON!" I heard Ashton yell.

I started giggling as I ran down the stairs. I made it to the front door but a pair of strong muscularly arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back.

A small yelp escaped my mouth as Ashton turned me around in his arms. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, walking me back to his room.

"Put me down!" I said trying to sound serious, but failing when I started giggling.

We were quickly back in his room and he dropped me onto his bed. Still recording, I pointed my phone at his glaring face.

"Well, someone wanted me in bed," I said teasingly.

His face fell and a deep blush spread to his cheeks. He looked down at his shuffling feet, and I started laughing, finally turning off the recording.

Putting my phone back in my pocket, I looked back up at Ashton.

"I'm kidding," I said sitting up.

He glared at me once again and pointed at the closet.

"Th-th-this m-m-me-means w-w-war," He stuttered.

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