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I stood up and started pacing.

"That bitch," I started. "That was completely messed up! She couldn't get back at me like I can with her, so she went for a different approach?"

I was ranting, but I didn't care.

"That's low, even for her," I continued.

Before I could say anything else, Ashton grabbed my hand.

"C-c-calm down," He said sounding slightly nervous.

"How can I calm down?" I asked letting Ashton pull me back down onto the couch.

He didn't say anything, just watched me.

"She went too far! Trying to break my friendship with you? That's just wrong!" I continued.

Before I could say anything else, a pair of lips pressed against mine. I froze for a moment, slowly realizing that it was Ashton's soft full lips against mine. I didn't waist another second with kissing him back, but as soon as I did, Ashton pulled back.

I opened my eyes slowly to meet Ashton's hazel ones.

"What was that for?" I asked.

My voice came out in a whisper and lower then I meant.

"Y-y-y-you asked m-me-me wh-why I-I-I got m-mad," He stuttered.

His stutter was really bad. I nodded, still stunned.

"I-I-I l-l-li-like you, A-Addy," He said. "A l-lot."

My breath caught in my throat. I was incapable of speaking. I was too stunned. Worry filled his eyes.

"P-p-pl-please s-say s-s-something," He pleaded.

Instead of answering I grabbed the neck of his shirt and pulled his lips back to mine. He didn't hesitate. He kissed me back.

I wound my fingers though his soft curly hair at the nape of his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

Our lips moved in sync, my heart was beating like crazy; a tingling sensation was coursing through my body. I don't understand how one person, one small form of action can make me feel this way.

Ashton sucked my lower lip in and nibbled gently on my lip ring. A small moan escaped my lips. We finally pulled back, breathing heavily.

"I-I-I've a-a-always w-w-wanted t-to-to d-do t-th-that," He said, his stutter much more prominent.

Suddenly, I grinned.

"Did poor little Ash get a little jealous?" I asked pinching his cheeks.

"No," He snapped smacking my hands away.

A small smile pulled at his lips, even though he was trying to keep it away.

"It's ok to be jealous," I said poking his cheek.

He smacked my hand away again.
I got serious for a second. I took his face in both my hands and looked him right in the eyes.

"Next time your jealous, just tell me," I said.

He nodded slightly and I leaned in, brushing my lips lightly over his.

"Addy?" He asked softly.

I leaned back, looking at him.
"Yes?" I asked.

"O-only u-under one c-c-con-condition," He said.

His cheeks flamed a dark pink while he looked down at his hands nervously.

"One condition, huh?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He nodded slightly.

"G-g-go out w-w-with," He sounded an exasperated sigh from not being able to finish his sentence.

I waited as patiently as I could, knowing where it was going.

"G-go out w-w-with me?" He asked, giving me a hopeful glance.

I beamed at him and nodded.

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