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By next Friday, I stayed over at Ashton's that night. Now, I've stayed over before and he's even stayed over at my place. Our parents know us enough to know we wouldn't do anything.

The only thing that was different this time was that his mom was going to be gone for the three day weekend. Of course, my parents didn't know that, but what they don't know won't kill them.

During the week that we've been together, Ashton and I have shared kisses and moments together. Only thing we haven't done is gone on a date.

That doesn't bother me, I'm not one who exactly likes dates, but if he took me on one, I wouldn't say no.

After school, I went over to his house and that's when I finally learned where he went every Friday.

"Addy?" He asked gently.

Did he sound nervous and almost embarrassed?

"Yes?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I-I-I have t-t-to go t-to s-sp-speech th-therapy," He said looking down at his feet.

"Ash," I said lifting his face to meet mine.

His eyes met mine with some difficulty.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about that," I told him.

He bit his lip gently.

"You have to do what you have to," I said gently.

He gave me a weak smile. He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine softly.

"Y-you're the b-b-best," He said against my lips.

I pulled back and grinned.

"I know," I said smugly.
Ashton chuckled.

"S-see yeah," He said leaving.

He left and I flopped down onto his bed.

"What to do?" I asked myself quietly.

I racked my head for anything to do, and suddenly got an idea.

"Payback," I muttered with a grin before getting up.

I ran over to my house and hopped into my car. Driving to the closest store, I bought four timers. Grinning as I got home and ran back to Ashton's house, I set each timer to go off at different times.

They were to go off at midnight, two in the morning, two-thirty, and five. Sure it would wake me up too, but I think I could deal with it.

Having a baby sister has helped me for this. I couldn't stop grinning as I hid the timers around his room.

After I hid the last one, I went downstairs and flipped the TV on, deciding to watch Criminal Minds until Ashton gets back. Two hours later and an angry looking Ashton walked through the door.

"Ashton, what's wrong?" I asked turning the TV off.

He ignored me and stormed up to his room. His bedroom door slammed shut. Not sure what just happened, I headed up the stairs slowly.

I hesitantly turned the door knob only to find it locked. A muffled sounding sob came from behind the door.

"Ashton," I said softly.

I knocked on the door gently and waited.

"G-g-g-go a-aw-away," Ashton sobbed.

"No, open the door," I said stubbornly.


"Ashton, please open up," I begged.

A few seconds later I heard the click of the lock and the door opened quickly.
Ashton came out and pinned me against the opposite wall.

His lips crashed against mine, repeatedly kissing me. He was mumbling something between each kiss, but I couldn't make the words out.

His hand came up and wound through my hair, his thumb stroked my cheek softly, his other hand sat on my hip, pulling me close to him while his body pinned me against the wall.

When his lips left mine he rested his forehead against mine. Our breaths were ragged and our eyes were still closed. When I did open my eyes I could tell he had been crying.

His cheeks held tear stains while his eyes were puffy looking.

"Ash?" I whispered.

"Y-you w-w-wouldn't l-leave m-me-me b-because of m-my s-s-st-stutter?" He asked hesitantly.

I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back a little bit so that I could see his face more.

"Ashton, why would you think that?" I asked, my eyes searching his.

"J-j-just an-answer me," He pleaded.

I shook my head.

"I would never leave you because of your stutter," I said slowly.

He took a deep ragged breath. His warm breath hit my lips, causing tingles to run through my body.

"Now, answer my question," I told him.

He closed his eyes briefly before opening them again and meeting my gaze.

"Was it the speech therapist?" I asked gently.

He shut his eyes tightly, answering my question without even having to speak.

"Ashton, why would she say that?" I asked becoming angry with a person I've never met.

"Th-therapy h-h-has-hasn't been w-w-working for the p-past t-ten years," He said in a low voice. "It h-h-hasn't b-been w-work-working."

"I still don't see why she said that," I stated.

He opened his eyes again.

His beautiful hazel eyes were full of tears.

"Sh-sh-sh-sh-she was t-trying f-f-for a d-d-diff-different a-ap-aproach," He muttered.

"That's messed up," I said.

"I-I-I got p-p-pissed and s-stormed o-off," He added.

"She had no right to say that, Ashton," I said wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close for a hug.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head in the crook of my neck. Another small sob escaped his mouth and my heart just broke.

"Shhh, its ok," I whispered.

"Y-you d-d-don't un-under-understand," He hiccupped.

He pulled back, glossy eyes staring at me.

"What?" I asked gently.

He didn't answer, just stared at me.

Suddenly, it clicked.

"Ashton, you don't need to be embarrassed or shy about your stutter, around me or around others," I started. "Any girl would be lucky to be with you."

A smile broke out on his face.

"And you could get any girl that you wanted if you tried, yet you chose me," I added quietly.

He gave me a curious look as I wiped his tears away.

He nodded before saying, "I d-did ch-choose you."

I smiled.

"I'm glad that you did," I said.

He gave me a soft kiss on my forehead before pulling me downstairs. In the kitchen, he stopped me in front of the center isle and put his hands on my hips. With a little grin, he lifted me up onto the counter of the isle.

A small yelp of surprise came from my mouth, making Ashton giggle. Yes, I did say giggle. He giggles and its one of the cutest things ever.

He started pulling out random ingredients.

"So, what are we making?" I asked curiously.

"Homemade p-pizza," Ashton said with a grin.

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