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They avoided my eye and looked down at their feet. Ashton was the only one looking normal.

I gave him a questioning look and he only shrugged. I sighed heavily and turned on the ceiling fan, because my room was always hot and stuffy.

As soon as I did, I was greeted with colorful confetti floating down from the fan. I put my hands on my hips and glared at the now laughing guys.

"Of everything you could have done, you decided to litter my room with confetti?" I asked.

None of them could respond since they were all laughing. I waited patiently for them to stop while the colorful confetti still floating down around me, covering everything.

They finally were able to stop laughing long enough for me to comment, "You guys are so childish."

They burst out laughing again and that's when I noticed that Ashton was recording on his phone. I snatched his phone from his hand and ended the recording.

I refused to give his phone back. The guys were finally able to stop laughing.

"M-my ph-phone!" Ashton exclaimed.

He reached for it, but I put it behind me back.

"Nope," I said grinning.

He grabbed my upper arms and pulled my arm holding his phone towards him. I struggled out of his grip and managed to put his phone in my bra.

His eyes widened in shock. The other guys started laughing.

"You still want it?" I taunted.

He pouted.

"N-not c-c-cool-cool," He said making his voice sound sad.

"You shouldn't have littered my room in confetti," I said.

"You sh-shouldn't h-have st-started this whole th-thing," He said grinning.

"You can have your phone back once my room is clean of confetti," I said.

He glared at me.

"Unless," I said smirking. "You want to get it yourself."

His mouth fell open and his cheeks blushed deeply.

He opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, not being able to form a sentence or even a word.

I giggled and patted his arm.

"Your innocence is just too amusing," I said grinning.

His cheeks flushed slightly darker as he looked down at his feet.

"We have to go," Calum spoke up.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"We really do have to go," Michael said chuckling.

"If you say so," I said.

I gave them all hugs and they left me alone with Ashton and my confetti filled room. I sighed and left my room and brought the vacuum to my room.

Ashton sat innocently in the swirly chair while I cleaned up all the confetti. Five minutes later, my room was confetti free and I flopped down on my bed.

"This is so not over," I glared at him.

He gave me a cheeky smile, showing his adorable dimples.
"C-can I-I-I have m-my phone b-b-back?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Nope," I said popping the 'p.'

He puffed his bottom lip out.

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