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Walking towards the lunch table with Ashton, my tray suddenly flew from my hands and to my chest and stomach.

I gasped and jumped back as the hot spaghetti burned my skin through my T-shirt.

My tray landed back in my hands as if nothing had happened. I looked up with wide eyes to see a smirking Stacy and her minions.

"What the hell?!" I half yelled.

I peeled my shirt away from my skin, so I could get a little relief from the heat.

"Next time," Stacy hissed. "Don't interfere."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Stacy," I said as calm as I could.

Ashton took my tray from me and threw it away.

"I'm done with your crap," I continued. "And if you don't leave me alone or leave Ashton alone, I will fight back."

She snickered.

"Fight back?" She questioned sounding amused.

I nodded.

"I will tell the whole school all of your secrets," I said.

Her eyes widened as she gasped.

"Go down that road and I'll do the same," She said still surprised I said that.

I laughed.

"I may have acted like I was your friend, but I didn't tell you a single thing that would bother me if you told anyone. You, though, Stacy, you told me more than enough," I said grinning.

"You wouldn't dare," She hissed.

"Try me," I challenged.

She stalked off in a huff.

I looked down at my ruined T-shirt.

"C-c-come on, I have an e-extra sh-shirt-shirt in m-m-my locker," Ashton said tugging me towards his locker.

I followed him greatly and stopped at his locker and waited slightly impatiently while he spun the dial to unlock it.

"Here," He said handing me a black The Misfits muscle shirt.

I went into the girls' bathroom and quickly changed into the shirt. I simply threw my T-shirt away, not wanting to lug it around for the rest of the day or caring about it. When I left the bathroom, I found Ashton waiting for me.

"Y-you ok?" He asked quietly.

I nodded and walked to our table.

"What the hell was that about?" Michael asked as soon as I sat down in my usual seat between him and Ashton.

"Stacy's just pissed that I finally stood up to her," I said grabbing Michael's pizza off his tray when he wasn't looking.

I took a bite.

"Hey!" He exclaimed snagging his pizza back.

I laughed and stole a tater tot off his tray.

He glared at me while I popped it into my mouth.

"Well, someone had too," Luke said.

Calum agreed.

Ashton handed me half of his grilled ham and cheese and I took it greatly.

"Thanks," I said taking a bite.

"Why did she look so pissed when she walked off?" Calum asked.

I grinned.

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