Why Me

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After we ate dinner, Ashton and I went up to his room and worked on his stutter some more, and this time I didn't purposely distract him.

He actually managed to get a few full sentences out without stuttering, which left him really happy. At about midnight, we laid down.

I snuggled against his warm body, feeling his warm breath on the back of my neck. I tried falling asleep, but I couldn't.

Something that I was thinking about last night, came back to mind. I tried pushing it away, but it just came right back. I moved around slightly, trying to get comfortable. I sighed, giving up.

I carefully removed Ashton's arms from around me and crawled out of the bed. I made my way downstairs and out to the back patio.

The cold air hit my bare legs and I shivered, feeling goosebumps erupt over my skin. I ignored the cold and sat on one of the outside chairs with squishy covers.

I folded my legs up to my chest and looked up at the stars. There was no moon out tonight, the full moon being two days ago. There were minimal lights around to block out the bright stars. I looked around and easily found the big and little dipper.

I sighed and watched the stars that shone brightly above me. The peace of the night was calming and helped me leave my thoughts, but not for long. Soon enough, the thoughts made there way back to my mind, making me annoyed with myself.

"Addy?" I heard the groggy voice of Ashton behind me.

I jumped at the sudden break of silence.

"Ashton, what are you doing awake?" I asked as he sat in the chair across from me.

He was once again shirtless and was probably cold as hell. I was cold and he was wearing fewer clothes than me.

"I w-woke up when I-I-I realized you weren't in the b-b-bed with m-me-me," He said with a small pout.

I gave him an apologetic smile.

"What's w-wrong, b-babe?" He asked placing his bigger hands over mine.

"Nothing's wrong," I tried with a weak smile.

He frowned.

"Please d-don't lie t-to me," He begged gently.

I sighed and closed my eyes gently.

"Why me?" I blurted.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What?" He asked.

"Idontunderstandwhyyoupickedme?" I asked in one breath.

Surprisingly he understood what I said.

He sighed and stood up, tugging me up with him. He led my inside and I was greeted by warmth. Back up in his room, he pulled the covers tightly around us, trying to warm ourselves back up.

With his arms around me and my head resting on his chest, he finally spoke.

"You really w-want to know w-why?" He asked in a whisper.

I nodded against his chest. My body was slowly but surly becoming warm once again.

"Yesterday, you a-asked me th-those questions, you r-rem-remember?" He asked.

I nodded again.

"Well, th-then, yes," He started. "When your cl-close, my h-heart does b-begin to race, s-sometimes it e-even skips a b-beat. When w-we touch, I-I-I do get nervous, I g-get b-butter-butterflies, and you m-make my m-mind go a-all fuzzy. When we k-kiss, know matter h-how small, I-I do get b-breath-breathless."
He paused for a moment, squeezing me lightly for a second. "You're f-funny, smart, a s-smartass-" I grinned. "-you're s-s-sensitive, caring, and p-put others b-be-before yourself. There's just th-this aurora about you th-that draws me in. I also l-love everything a-about you. You're b-beautiful eyes, you're soft h-hair, you're p-p-perf-perfect curves, you're sm-smooth skin," He paused again.

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