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When he was done, flour, olive oil, dry yeast, salt, tomato sauce, and random spices littered the counter top.

"Yum," I said licking my lips.

He laughed.

He got a measuring cup out and measured out one cup of water, pouring it into a medium metal bowl and put it in the microwave. Thirty seconds later, he took it out and added three cups of flour, two tablespoons of olive oil, one teaspoon of dry yeast, and one teaspoon of salt to the bowl.

Adding the bowl to the mixer, he turned it on and waited for it to turn to dough. Once it did he beckoned me over and handed me the dough.

"Kn-knead it," He said smiling.

I dropped it down onto the counter where I had been sitting and squished it with my hands until it was soft and elastic. Ashton watched me intensely, watching my every move.

"C-c-can you t-t-toss it?" He asked smirking.

"I can try," I said.

I stretched the dough slightly in my hands before tossing it in the air with a small spin and catching it easily.

"You've d-d-done it b-before," He commented.

I grinned and shrugged.

"My mom likes to make homemade pizza," I said tossing it up in the air again.

After a few more times of doing that, it was a pretty good sized circle. Ashton opened up the tomato sauce and poured it into a bowl, adding a half teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of oregano, and a quarter teaspoon of black pepper. While he was doing this, I got out the cheese and started shredding it for the pizza.

When I was done, he spread the sauce onto the dough. When that was done, we added pepperoni and cheese, and then some more pepperoni. Laughing at how much pepperoni we put on the pizza, Ashton stuck it into the oven which was preheated to 400.

"Now, we wait fifteen to twenty minutes," I said.

"Now, t-time t-t-to cl-clean," Ashton said frowning at the mess we managed to make.

I giggled and went to clean. I grabbed the bowl with extra flour and turned around, but Ashton was right there. Flour exploded between us, most of it landing of Ashton. My mouth gaped open as he wiped the flour from his glasses. He glared mischievously down at me.

"I'm so sorry," I managed to get out.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed that he grabbed something. Next thing I know, flour is being poured over my head. I squealed from the unexpected white powder.

Some of it got up my nose and I ended in a sneezing fit, causing Ashton to double over laughing.

"You're so-" Another sneeze."-mean," I got out.

That caused Ashton to laugh harder. I grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at him. It landed in his hair and he ran his hand through his hair multiple times.

"You're worse than a girl, sometimes," I said laughing.

He glared at me.

Next thing I knew, we got in a flour fight, turning the kitchen into winter. Ashton suddenly rushed towards me and wrapped his arms around me. He pressed his lips to mine even though we were both laughing. His hands made there hands down my body, stopping on my butt. I gasped as he applied pressure, pushing me into his body. He gave me an innocent smile, showing his dimples.

"Have fun?" I questioned.
He nodded and grinned.

I pecked his lips and wiggled out of his grip.

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