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"Guys help me!" I said pressing my back against the door in attempt to get it closed.

They rushed over and help me shut the door completely. I sighed in relief.

The guys and I were currently over at Ashton's, filling his room up with colorful ping pong balls.

I had just finished filling his closet full of them, so when he opened the door, it would be raining balls.

I laughed at myself.

The only problem I had, had with his closet was that it was also a walk in closet like mine. So what I did was take a long piece of cardboard a little ways in, put another one right behind the door and filled it up, until it spilled over the top, which was about a foot taller than me. Then I closed the door most of the way, carefully slid the cardboard out of the way of the door, and had trouble closing it.

Next was filling up his room.
As Luke, Michael, and Calum poured handfuls and handfuls of ping pong balls onto the floor, I randomly placed the colorful balls around the room.

In random drawers, in pillow cases, between the mattresses, and anywhere else I thought necessary. Ashton's room was good sized, and it amazed me how I was able to find more than one store that sold ping pong balls.

The room slowly filled up, and we had to put a piece of cardboard by the door so they wouldn't spill out of his room.

I ended up finding five different stores that sold ping pong balls, and it was hilarious to see the expressions the person helping you when you say that you're looking for all the ping pong balls they had, better if they were colorful.

In the end the guys were left carrying a huge box full of ping pongs after each of the stores. I ended up losing count of how many balls that I bought, but let's just say that they filled Ashton's room at knee high.

I started laughing as I attempted to close the door and pull the cardboard out through the crack of the door. I tried not letting any of the balls slip through the door, but I failed and a few came rolling out.

I got the door closed and the sound of the balls crashing towards the door from the sudden space. They guys and I exchanged looks then burst out laughing.

"Guys, Ashton is home!" Anne said suddenly.

We all ran into the living room and piled up on the couch. We ended up landing on each other. We started laughing as we crawled off each other to sit on the couch properly.

We got situated just as the front door opened to reveal Ashton. He didn't see us at first. He closed the door softly behind him and turned around and jumped at the sight us all of us sitting on his couch.

"Hey!" The guys and I said enthusiastically.

He raised an eyebrow and gave us a small wave. He then held up his index finger, telling us to wait a minute. He walked off down the hall towards his bedroom.

From where the couch sat in the living room, we could all see down the hall. We looked at each other, all of us grinning and trying not to laugh, and watched Ashton as he tried to open his door.

He struggled against the ping pong balls until he finally got his door to shove open. The colorful balls spilled out of his room, bouncing musically on the hard wood floor of the hallway.

Ashton jumped at the sudden attack of the balls. He stared down at them, eyes wide in surprise and shock.

The guys and I burst out in laughter, no longer able to contain it. I clutched my arms to my stomach from the pain of laughing so hard and rolled off the couch and onto the floor.

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