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From the corner of my eye, I noticed the Ashton was smiling the whole time.

"I've a-a-always w-wanted to l-learn-learn how t-to play," He said.

"Here," I said placing his hands on the right keys.

Keeping my hands on his, I moved my fingers down to press the keys. It was strange that Teenage Dirtbag didn't sound weird on the piano.

Helping Ashton play the chorus on the piano, I saw his head turn slightly and him watching my face instead of our hands.

"It's not nice to stare," I said with a small smile.

His cheeks flushed and he looked back down.

"Not st-staring," He mumbled.

I looked at him while continuing to play.

"Observing," He added, using my phrase.

I bit my lip to hold my laugh back and looked back down at our hands.

A few more moments and his eyes moved back to my face again.

I slowly stopped playing and met his hazel eyes. I got lost in those hazel orbs of his. It was as if they were an ocean and I fell in the deep in, swimming around trying to find a way out, but I didn't want away out. I wanted to stay lost in those eyes.

Ashton started to lean in, slowly closing the space between us. His eyes went from my eyes down to my lips and back up again. He licked his lips, hesitating momentarily.

It was right before he got close enough to brush his lips against mine, the sound of Sadie's cries came through the baby monitor, causing us to jump away from each other.

I sighed and grabbed the monitor. I noticed Ashton's cheeks flush a deep red and look down at his feet, before he got up. Getting up, I went up the stairs to Sadie's room.

I put the baby monitor down and went over to her crib.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

I picked her up gently and held her to me. Her crying didn't stop.

"Did you have a bad dream?" I asked rocking her in my arms.

I rubbed her back soothingly.

"Shh, it's ok," I said still rocking her.

About five minutes and Sadie's cries stopped and she looked up at me with her big blue eyes.

"You know," I said laying her down on the changing table. "You ruined something that I wouldn't have minded happening."

She stared at me innocently. Of course she was innocent. It's not like she knew what was happening downstairs and what was about to happen.

I sighed again, and changed her diaper and her onesie. Downstairs, I found Ashton by the front door just getting off his phone. When he saw me, a small pink tinted his cheeks.

"S-sorry, I-I-I have-have to g-go," He said quietly.

Was he leaving because of our almost kiss?

"Ok," I said. "See, you tomorrow at school."

He nodded and left. I watched the door close behind him, not completely understanding what just happened.

I shrugged it off and decided like nothing had almost happened not only five minutes ago.

The thing is though, I couldn't shrug it off, and it kept coming to my mind.


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