The Misfits

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Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, and Calum Hood; the school's three misfits.

The three of them were all tall.

Luke has sandy blonde hair pulled up in a quiff, pale skin, incredible blue eyes, and a black ring encircled his lip.

Michael currently has bright red hair-I say currently because he's always changing hair colors-pale skin, deep green eyes, and a brow piercing.

Calum has black hair with blonde highlights in the front, tan skin, dark brown eyes, and even though everyone thinks he is, he isn't Asian.

I could tell by watching them that they had already accepted Batman boy into they're little group.

Now, I don't find them Misfits like everyone else does. Just because they listen to different music, wear different clothes, has a couple piercings and tattoos, doesn't make them "misfits."

I sighed.

They were the people I would rather hang out with.

I have both a nose piercing and lip piercing, but don't wear either because Stacy told me I couldn't, saying it looked horrible and 'not girly.'

"What are you staring at?" Penelope asks, pulling me out of my reverie.

I blinked a couple times and noticed that all four girls were now watching me.

"Nothing," I said shaking my head slightly.


After Stacy dropped me off at my house, I tried to go quickly up to my room wanting to change, but mom stopped me.

"Honey, we're having some guest over for dinner tonight," She said.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"They just moved in a couple house down," I nodded. "They'll be here at six."

I nodded again and went up to my room. As I changed I wondered who the new people were.

Maybe they had a kid my age.

Maybe they had a son.

Maybe he was cute!

I was now excited for dinner to come along as I looked in the mirror.

Deciding to change now for dinner, so I wouldn't have to later, I changed into a black spaghetti strap with a white tank top over it that says 'I love you' on the top right side and 'to the moon and back' across the bottom. Over that I put on a red plaid button-up, a pair of black skinny jeans, and black TOMS.

I felt almost satisfied with my outfit.

I quickly washed off my make-up and put in my nose stud and a black ring around my lip.

Now, I was satisfied.

I smiled at my reflection and went downstairs.

"Can you watch Sadie while I take a quick shower?" Mom asked with a tired smile.

"Of course," I said happily taking Sadie from her arms.

Mom went up the stairs and a few minutes later I heard the shower running.

Glancing at the clock I saw that dad wouldn't be home for another hour.

"Well, hello there, Sadie Mae," I said in a happy voice.

Sadie gave me a small smile and I went into the living room.

Finding her light pink blanket already spread out on the floor, I laid her down gently and picked up a few of her toys.

Having a baby around gives you the excuse to make weird faces, weird sounds, and talk in a baby voice without you looking like your crazy.

Even though, with me, I don't really need an excuse. Being weird is part of my personality, according to my dad.

Twenty minutes late, mom came down from upstairs wearing a pair of jeans and a cute blouse with a pair of flats.

My mom was really pretty at the age of 33, yeah she was sixteen when she got pregnant with me, but when I asked her once, she told me she wouldn't change it for the world.

My mom has long blonde hair with pretty grey eyes. She was still very slender after two children and she has all the right curves in the right places.

I got that from her, along with her tall frame with long legs.

Mainly, I got my looks from my dad.

My dad has short dark hair, permanent stubble that he always let show, lightly tanned skin, blue eyes, and broad shoulders.

Speaking of the devil, my dad pushed though the front door.

He works in an office working with files until he was able to get to the good part.

See my dad was trying to be the person that goes to houses that takes children away from unfit parents. It was a bad but good job.

Mom took Sadie from me and I ran up and jumped into my dads awaiting arms.

I laughed as he easily caught me from years of practice.

"Nice to see you too," He chuckled, kissing the top of my head.

I was really close to my dad, telling him things that most daughters would rather keep secret.

He set me down gently, kissed my mom cheek, and took Sadie from her arms.

He held her up above his head and kissed her neck playfully a few times before pulling back. Sadie smiled a toothless smile.

Dad held her correctly and went into the kitchen.

"What's for dinner, honey?" He called out.

"You do remember that we're having guest over, right?" Mom asked as we both joined dad in the kitchen.

He was currently rummaging through the fridge until he heard that. He peaked over the top of the fridge door.

"Sure," He lied horribly.

Mom and I laughed.

"Just go get ready, they'll be here any time now," Mom ordered with a smile.

She took Sadie from dad's arms as he walked past.

"And I need to get you dressed," She hollered after him.

"Yeah, yeah," I heard him mutter as mom followed him upstairs.

I went up the stove to see what was cooking for dinner.

Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, and for dessert there was my moms delicious homemade carrot cake.

A knock sounded at the front door.

"Addison, can you get that?!" My mom called from upstairs.

I jogged over to the front door and opened it with a kind smiled.

My smile dropped when I saw who stood behind the door, waiting patiently.

I slammed the door shut and rested my forehead on the door for a moment. Taking a deep breath, I slowly opened the door to reveal a confused looking Batman boy and his mother.

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