Secret Friends

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"Ashton?" I ask.

Ashton looked at me from where he sat next to me on the couch.

It's been a week since he moved to town and a week since we've been friends.

He still doesn't talk, but I don't try and force him. We were hanging out at my house while my dad was at work and my mom took Sadie for a check up.

Before I could continue, my phone started ringing.

It was Stacy.

"Hello?" I answered.
"I'm coming over," She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm pulling in right now," She said hanging up.

I jumped up, causing Ashton to jump at my suddenness. I grabbed Ashton's hand and dragged him up the stairs.

"Stacy is here," I said slightly panicking.

His eyes widened and he dragged me the rest of the way up the stairs. I pushed him into my room.

"I'll get her to leave as soon as possible," I said shutting the door.

I was running down the stairs at the very moment Stacy opened the front door. She was in an awfully colored pink blouse with a pair of jeans.

"What up Bitch," She said smiling at me.

I forced a smile.

"So what were you doing?" She asked going into the living room.

She sat where Ashton had been sitting not a minute ago.

"I was doing homework," I lied easily.

Stacy knows nothing about me hanging out with Ashton and even though I didn't like keeping our friendship a secret, it was the best for the both of us.

"Really? On a Friday?" She asked scrunching her nose up.

I shrugged and she quickly got up heading for the stairs. I shot up and chased her.

"What are you doing?" I asked worriedly.

"Going to your room, duh," She said as if it was obvious.

"Why are you going to my room?" I asked slightly loud, hoping Ashton would hear me.

"I'm bored down there," She said.

She opened my bedroom door before I could say anything else. Her nose immediately scrunched up in distaste.

"I thought I told you to change your room?" She said giving me a disapproving glare.

I scoffed.

"Stacy, I may have let you change everything about me, but there is no way that I am changing my room," I said snappishly.

She said in my swirly chair gently, acting as if it may give her a disease or something.

"Speaking of changing you," She said. "Why are you wearing that?"

I looked down at my simple long sleeve blue/grey plaid button-up that I had buttoned up and tied at the bottom, black leggings, and pink bandana tied around my head with my hair up in a messy bun.

"Because I like it," I said stubbornly.

"Just don't ever wear it to school."

I chose not to say anything.

"Why do I smell axe?" Stacy asked sniffing the air.

I froze. I quickly recovered.

"My dad was in here earlier," I said.

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