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I ran into the living room and jumped over the couch, landing a little harshly on Mikey.

"Umpf," He grunted.

"Sorry," I said slightly before sitting properly on his lap and grinning at the guy on the laptop screen.

"Levi!" I greeted happily.

"Addison!" He greeted back laughing.

Before I could say anything back, he started questioning me.

"Why do you have four guys over? Why isn't mom and dad there with you guys? What are they doing on your laptop?"

I cut him off before he could continue.

"Stop being such a big brother," I scoffed with a grin.

He didn't crack a smile.

"Levi, these are my friends and they are over because we are hanging out, while I have to babysit Sadie, and before you ask, yes mom and dad know they're here," I said slowly.

He stared at me skeptically for a moment before smiling.

"Is Sadie awake?" He asked.

I nodded.

I looked over at Luke, who was still lightly burping her. I went to grab for her, but suddenly she spit up on Luke. I burst out laughing as Luke's face contorted into disgust. I gently took Sadie from Luke's hands.

"Luke," I said in between laughing. "I have some oversized flannels in my closet, go change."

He stood up and headed for the stairs.

"Ash, can you throw his shirt into the wash?" I asked turning to my left.

He nodded and went after Luke up the stairs.

"What happened?" Levi asked.

"Sadie gave a little present to Luke," I said grinning,
I sat Sadie in my lap so she could see the screen while Levi started laughing.

"Hey, baby girl," Levi cooed when he quit laughing.

I pointed at the screen.

"Look, it's your big brother Levi," I said to her.

She started making happy baby noises as Levi made strange faces into the camera. A few minutes later, Luke and Ashton came back down from my room. Ashton disappeared into the laundry room, while Luke joined us on the couch once again.

"Dude, you smell like baby barf," Michael said chuckling.

His body shook from his laughter.

"Shut up," Luke grumbled, flipping him off.
"Hey!" Levi exclaimed seeing it.

Luke's face paled and I lightly punched his arm.

"So, are you going to introduce them to me or not?" Levi asked suddenly.

"Oh, sorry," I said.

I pointed to Luke who sat at the end of the couch on my right.

"That's Luke," I said.

I pointed to Calum, who sat next to Luke.

"Calum-" Pointing to Mikey, who I was currently sitting on. "-Michael, and the other one is Ashton."
Suddenly Ashton sat down next to Mikey, scaring me half to death.

"That's Ashton," I said pointing to him.

"Just remember boys," Levi's voice came through the laptop. "You hurt my sister and I will fly my ass back home and deal with you myself."

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