Chapter Five

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Morgan's POV

"Shouldn't you be working?" I said through the microphone of my headphones.

"I am working dude," Michael responded.

"You're playing COD at the office?"

"Meh, there's not much to do today here, plus I won't get in trouble since my bestfriend is banging the boss."

"Oh fuck off man."

He laughed his ass off until he got killed in the match. He wasn't laughing anymore, dumbass.

"It's playing video games all you have planned to do on your vacations?" Michael asked as we started another match.

"I don't see what's the problem with that."

"Of course you don't you big nerd. Go out and meet some people! Maybe you'll even find yourself a girlfriend since our boss doesn't seem to meet your criteria."

I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like there's many people to meet in this small town. The only person I want to talk to doesn't want to talk to me for some reason," I grumbled.

"Or so there is someone. Must be important if she got you in a mood over it, who is it? Your childhood bestfriend turned girlfriend—turned ex and then strained bestfriend? What was her name?"

I knew I shouldn't have told him about Kaden.

"It's not Kaden."

He hummed, "Then girl next door?"

"Not Jessie either."

"Let me think— oh I know, I know! Then it must be the mean girl turned friend."

Okay maybe I shouldn't have told Michael anything, I didn't know he had such a great memory. But then again everything I told him was when I was drinking one time. I was feeling sad and nostalgic — I needed someone to drain out everything and Michael was more than willing to listen. It's not that I don't trust him — I do, it's just that he can be a real pain when he wants to.

"Yes, it's Hayley," I confirmed.

"Didn't you tell me she practically disappeared after graduation?"

I put the controller down when I died, "She did but apparently she came back to town and my mom forgot to comment it to me."

"Why would she?"

"Because she... she was my friend."

"You didn't want to go back to that town Morgan, you avoided it like the plague. So what if you didn't know, would that have changed your mind on coming back?"

"I don't know— maybe? Probably."

"Just over a simple friend," he pushed.

"She was my friend! That means I care about her and want to know how she is doing." I said matter-of-fact.

"I see..."

"You see what?" I snapped.

"Relax, nothing I actually need to go. Work calls, talk later Morgan."

"Sure," I mumbled before turning the console off and standing from my chair.

I made my way downstairs and as usual the house was empty with my parents at work and Matty at school. This was his last week of school before Thanksgiving came. I made myself a sandwich with the stuff I found on the fridge while I watched tiktoks.

When I finished eating I noticed Matty had left his notebook on the dinner table.

I should go to his school and give it to him... it's probably important— maybe homework.

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