Chapter Twenty One

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Morgan's POV

"I don't understand this." Hayley said from besides me.

"What do you not understand?"

"Nothing, why is that purple guy wiping half the universe? That's like, so fucking stupid."

I paused the movie and watched as Hayley turned on her side to look at me. We were both laying on my bed watching movies all day and after having to endure all kinds of romance and period drama movies I finally got to choose one.

"He's the villain! He's supposed to something big and what's bigger than wiping out half the universe?"

Hayley rolled her eyes. "You're lucky I like you, if not I wouldn't be watching your nerd stuff."

"Oh so you like me?" I smirked.

"To my misfortune," she sighed.

I narrowed my eyes and put myself on top of her, "You know, it's fun being the top of the relationship."

Hayley quirked a brow. "You a not the top of this relationship, Valentine."

"Are you sure? Because you do act like quite the pillow princess." I pocked her cheeks and she swatted my hand away.

"I'm not a pillow princess." Hayley glared at me making me laugh.

"Sure you aren't."

"I'm not, Morgan, shut up."

"Prove me wrong then." I grinned suggestively—I leaned down and kissed the blonde on the lips. I then backed away as she bit my bottom lip gently and let it go.

"Nice try dumbass, I'm not fucking you in your parent's house— like ever."

I fell on her—hid my face on the crook of her neck and groaned. "You're so cruel."

"And you are such a horndog, acting like a teenage boy." Hayley chuckled before grabbing my face and bringing it to face her and peck me on the lips.

"Can you blame though, I mean— you are my girlfriend, have you seen yourself? You are hot as hell. How do you expect me not to be horny?"

"You compliment me like a frat boy too, I don't know how I got so lucky." Hayley said sarcastically.

"Me neither, you should be grateful to be honest." I joked.

Hayley rolled her eyes and poked my ribs, "Get off me, you are really heavy."

"Did you just call me fat?" I gasped dramatically.

"Pretty much, yeah," she nodded.

"Rude," I muttered as I rolled off of her and once I did that she put herself on top of me. "This doesn't mean anything, you're still a pillow princess."

Hayley huffed and flicked my forehead, "Shut up."


"Morgan, there's something we need to talk about." Hayley said now with a serious face.

I sat up at that but Hayley remained on my lap. "Are you going to break up with me for calling you a pillow princess?" I joked to try lift the seriousness off her face a bit and was relieved when a small smile appeared on her lips accompanied by a chuckle.

"I'm not breaking up with you... to your luck," she pecked my cheek.

"That's a relief. What do you want to talk about then?"

Hayley bit her lip as her her fingers played with the collar of my shirt. "What are we— what is going to happen with us when you have to come back to Chicago?"

I should've expected this question.

"I— I don't..." I tried to think of an answer but nothing came up to my mind, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Hayley raised both brows.

"I don't and neither do you."

She scoffed, "Well I'm not the one leaving, Morgan."

"I have a life and a job there, Hayley. What do you want me to do? Leave it all behind?"

"A job where you fuck your boss, I'm sure you're exited to come back. And I never asked you to do that—I won't either." She had now get up from my lap and was standing besides my bed.

"Are you really going to bring up something that happened when we weren't together or had seen each other in eight years? I never asked you to leave anything either."

"Just because I'm a teacher doesn't mean I can just get up and quit my job!" Hayley yelled—ignoring what I had said.

Oh my god.

"When did I say any of that!? You're crazy!"

"What did you just call me!?" Hayley looked offended and it was kind of... scary.


"Sorry for calling you crazy, okay? But you are talking nonsense, I've never said any of that." I stood now in front of her. "Can't you just calm down so we can talk this through and figure out together what we are going to do?"

"Don't tell me to calm down."

I sighed and grabbed her hands in mine, "Hayley come on, love don't be like that." I put her hands up and kissed them.

In the short amount of time that we have been dating I've learned that she loves when I show her this type of affection and sweet talk her.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes—releasing a defeated sigh. "Fine, sorry for getting like... that. It's just that the idea of you leaving— it just upsets me."

"I know, it upsets me too but we yelling at each other won't solve anything. So let's sit and talk it out and we'll see from there, alright." I put my hands over her hips and pulled her closer.

Hayley looked down and nodded, "Okay."

When I was about to pull her down on the bed to sit, the doorbell sounded— stopping us. My parents aren't home so I need to go and get that.

"Give me a second, I'll go see who it is."

"Sure, go." I pecked Hayley's lips before exiting my bedroom and heading downstairs to answer the door.

The bell was rang once again when I was getting to the door.

"Coming!" I yelled when I heard it. I opened it once I got to it and my eyes widened. "What are y—"

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you!? You cannot dump me over a fucking text!" A fuming Elizabeth walked past me and into my house.

You have got to be kidding me.


A/N - Sorry for the delay I literally forgot what was gonna happen in this chapter so I got in a block trying to remember.

Also if you can check out my book Strike Of Luck and leave some comments if you can. :)

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