Chapter Six

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Morgan's POV

Maybe I arrived earlier than I should.

Never mind of course I did, there's still ten minutes until four. I sat back on the car and took my phone out.

What better way to kill time than with phone games.

And it did because next thing I know I hear a knocking on the window of the car made by an annoyed looking Hayley. I rolled down the window and saw that she had Matty grabbed by the hand.


"You are twenty minutes late." Hayley said interrupting me.

Twenty minutes? There's no way.

I checked the hour on my phone and saw that she was in fact right. How did time go by so fast? I unlocked the doors and opened the passanger's seat door from my own seat.

"I'm so sorry. I actually got here before it was even four but I lost track of time... while playing on my phone." I gave her a guilty smile.

"Morgan!" Matty yelled and waved his hand.

Hayley rolled her eyes at me and helped Matty to the backseats — when she made sure he had his seat belt on she went back to the front and sat on the passenger's seat.

"So we are going to drop him off at my house and then I'll drive us to some place to talk." I stated as I drove away from the school.

"Are your parents home?" She asked.

"Yes my mom is there. Did you think I was gonna leave Matty home alone?" I glanced at her briefly before looking back to the road.

"I'm just making sure," she shrugged and I chuckled.

"How was school Matty?" I asked looking at him through the rearview.

"Awesome! But why is Miss Duvall in our car sissy?" He looked confused.

"Because we are friends." I saw Hayley arch a brow from the corner of my eyes when I said that.


"Yeah bud, right Hayley?"

"Right," she responded with a very fake smile.

Matty talked to the both of us all the way until we got dropped him off at home. I had to walk him to the house and was received by my mom—who then proceeded to question me about where I was going and with who. Although that was answered by Matty when he said his teacher was on the car and that we 'were friends' my mom gave me a strange look before letting me go and telling me to say hi to Hayley.

"So do you know where we are going this time?" Hayley asked after a while of silence.

I nodded.

"I thought the coffee shop downtown was a good place to talk." I looked at her when we reached a red light.

"Are you paying?"


"Sure then."

I chuckled and started the car when the light turned green. "So you're just in here for the free food?"

"For what other reason would I be here?" Hayley grinned as she looked ahead to the road.

"Surely no other than that." I confirmed.

She turned up the volume of the radio and looked out of the window.

We got to the coffee shop and sat on one of the farthest table in the shop—Hayley ordered a cappuccino and a bagel while I got myself a sandwich and iced tea, the sandwiches here are the best. When we finished ordering we sat there in silence until Hayley—surprisingly—was the one to break it and speak up.

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