Chapter Thirty Eight

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Morgan's POV

"Well you look rather happy this morning, kind of scary." Kaden commented as she entered my room.

"What is there to be unhappy about?" I asked carefree as I laid on my bed.

Kaden hummed as she watched me from across my room. "You didn't tell me what happened last night, all you did during the whole ride back was smile like an idiot—and although I do have an idea of what went down, I still want the details."

"What is there to say?" I shrugged.

"Oh my god, are you going to keep answering like that to every question?" Kaden crossed her arms.

"Last night... it went better than I thought or could even imagine it would." I closed my eyes and sighed in happiness.

"Well I know for a fact that Monique wasn't Hayley's girlfriend, so did you two get back together?"

Kaden's words came as a surprise to me, making me sit up on the bed and look at her. "How do you know that they aren't?"

Now it was Kaden's turn to shrug, "I had a feeling and I asked her when she accompanied me to my car." She threw herself on my bed and turned her face to look up at me. "I also asked her on a date with me and she rejected me, can you believe that?"

"Wait, what? You asked her on a date? Why?"

"Why wouldn't I? She's gorgeous, smart and sarcastic, it can't get any better than that! But apparently I'm not her type." Kaden sighed in defeat.

"I want to laugh, but as your friend I will just say—that sucks dude."

"Thanks Morgan, I feel way better now," she rolled her eyes and pushed me. "Anyway are you going to tell me? Did you two kiss, made up or what? Because you two were rather quiet when we came back from the car."

"We... did kiss— we kissed for a while but we really didn't speak much after it. I'm thinking of going over to her place, not sure yet." I put a hand on my face and sighed.

"Why aren't you sure?" Kaden asked.

"I don't want to come across as... pushy by appearing on her house, but I also don't want her to get the wrong idea and think it was just the spur of the moment— which it was not."

"Then go and tell her that!"

"Did you not hear what I said at the beginning?" I moved my arms up in exclamation. These kind of things make me think Kaden was not paying attention to me at all.

"I did! But what else is there to do? Would you rather have Hayley being disappointed or having her think you are pushy? Because it's a really clear choice for me." Kaden put her hands over my shoulders and shook me. "I love you Morgan, you know that. I know you are trying to... grow—and honestly you have, I can see it and I can see you trying, the problem comes with things like these, you either overthink or not think at all which makes you ignore the obvious alternative. So listen to me here, go to Hayley's and talk, because —even though I might not yet understand how or why— I know that you are head over heels for her."

The honesty in my friend's eyes was touching—to think that Kaden wasn't just my best friend but also my first true love. Sure I did like Jessie a lot, she was my crush —but there's a big difference between like and love, and even though we didn't work out at the end I do remember our relationship fondly.

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