Chapter Twenty Four

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Hayley's POV

Morgan left three days ago and luckily I'm now back to work. It's a way to keep myself busy and distract myself from missing, but my girlfriend being states away still sucks big time.

Saying goodbye to her at the airport was a bit harder for me than I thought — I mean, we have been dating for little over a month, yet it feels longer than that—I don't know how to explain, I just know that I felt pretty stupid crying at the airport when we already agreed to see each other in spring. Just two months and some weeks, is not that far away.

I'll be fine, this will do us good.

Or she realize that distance is too hard for her and break up with me and be with her millionaire boss.

Yeah there's... many ways this could end up like. I'm hopeful though, but also realistic.

Matty has been good in class, acting like always. I thought it would be different since I'm dating his sister and he always yells abiut it, but surprisingly he didn't do it in class.

I'm currently having lunch and texting Morgan while the kids are out playing. My break however is interrupted by a knock on my door and there I see a person — my coworker to be precise.

"Hey there class neighbor!" Dana my coworker stood at the doorstep of my classroom.

Dana is one of the teachers that work in the kindergarten like myself, and she's also the only one I can tolerate — we are not friends, at least I don't think we are, but she's amicable.

"Hey Dana." I greeted my coworker — not matching her cheerful attitude at all.

"So I thought we could lunch together? Only if you want to, of course." She showed me her lunch at hand and smiled.

I didn't feel like acting like a bitch right now so whatever.

"Sure." I accepted and she didn't waste time to enter the classroom and grab a chair to sit in front of my desk.

"So, what are you up to?" Dana asked me.

"I'm eating my lunch?"

She chuckled, "Yeah, obviously. I mean, how was your Christmas break?"

"It was... eventful." I said thinking about the time I spent with Morgan — I didn't notice the subconscious smile that formed on my lips.

"Oh I know that smile! Met anyone?"

Usually I find people like Dana rather annoying — the ones that are too cheery and friendly— they're just not the usual kind of people I surround myself with... but maybe that's been the problem all along. Maybe I surrounded myself with the wrong kind of people.

Should I tell her? I mean, it would be nice to have someone to talk about my girlfriend... or just about anything really, maybe Dana can be that person.

"I'm not sure if meeting is the right word—we more like found each other again after a long time."

"You met again after years? That's even more romantic." Dana leaned her face on her hand as she listened to me.

"It wasn't romantic... at first that's it—I— or we? Developed feelings as time passed and now we are dating."

To this day I can't fully believe Morgan and I are dating.

"That's so cute, a Christmas love story, I love it!" Dana exclaimed—I knew she was being genuine — I could see it in her eyes.

Dana has worked here ever since I started—she's been here longer than and I have, and yet she has always been this nice and welcoming. I just never paid her any mind as I used to find her happiness and over cheery attitude really annoying.

Maybe it was because I wasn't happy.

I would ask myself how does she do it? How can she come every day looking like the happiest person on earth? What is even there to be happy about? But I think I'm starting to see that side of life now.

Not because of Morgan—like yes she is a part of my happiness and she helped me see that part of life. But she is not the sole reason for it.

"And who is the lucky person?" Dana asked.

"I'm not sure if you'll know her."

"C'mon is a really small town Hayley."

"Fine, is Morgan Valentine." I responded.

Her eyes widened, "As in the daughter of Nick Valentine—the captain of the fire department?"

"Uh yes? Do you know them?"

"Of course! He got my cat down a tree twice."

I chuckled.

Indeed a really small town.

The bell rang—indicating that lunch break was over and that the kids will be coming in at any moment now.

Dana pouted and stood up, so I went and walked her to the door of the classroom.

She stopped and turned around at the door. "You know some of the other teachers and I are planning to go out on Friday, so I wanted to invite you to come along. They are all really nice people, no pressure though."

I pursed my lips and crossed my arms, "I'll think about it."

"Awesome, just let me know." Dana smiled.

I nodded, "Sure. Bye."

"Bye neighbor!" Dana waved her hand at me as I watched her get inside her classroom.

"How was your day?" I asked to Morgan as I entered my apartment.

"It was good, there wasn't much to do today but I am starting some new project next week—I'm looking forward to it."

"I'm really happy to hear that, I know how much you love your what you do."

"Thanks babe. How about you? How was your day?"

"Just the same as always, it was nice to get back to work though — I missed it." I put my things on the couch and went to grab some water from the kitchen. "I also made a friend... I think?"

"Now that is good news, way better than mine."

I rolled my eyes.

"You are overreacting." I said.

"I'm really not—everyone needs a friend Hayley. I'm your friend but I'm also your girlfriend so I don't really count but I do at the same time— whatever. Point is that your putting yourself out there and meeting new people. Even if it's just one person right now is a start, or if it's just that person is not the amount of friends that matter but the quality of the person... I'm rambling but I'm just so happy for you babe."

I tried to bite back a smile but couldn't contain it—her words just made me feel so funny inside, it's hard to describe.

"Her name is Dana she's teaches at the classroom in front of me and she told me your dad saved her cat twice." I heard her laugh lightly at that.

"So you talked to her about me?"

"Of course, you are my girlfriend."

"Aww babes, aren't you a cutie."

"Shut it dork," I rolled my eyes playfully. "She also invited me to go out with her and some of the other teachers on Friday — I told her I would think about it though."

Morgan hummed. "Well you should totally go if you want to and feel comfortable."

"I'll still think about, but I'll let you know."

"Sure, sure."

Morgan and I continued talking for about an hour until I hung up to go take a shower and order some food since I didn't feel like cooking today. I watched a movie and right before I felt asleep Morgan texted me to wish me a goodnight.

Third day of long distance done with.


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