Chapter Thirty Five

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Morgan's POV

"Well don't look so excited please." Kaden said while I just stared at her—still unmoving and wordless.

"What— how... when did you get here?"

My mom was looking at me with a raised brow before turning her gaze to Kaden and clapping her hands together once. "I will let you two catch up, meanwhile I'll go make something to eat."

"Mom that's not nece—" I was cut off by her.

"None sense." My mom said before not so subtly leaving the awkward atmosphere of the living room.

Real smooth mom.

"You don't seem happy to see me." Kaden spoke again.

"It's not that I'm... I'm just shocked that you are here. You haven't come to Jerome in years, nor have we seen each other in that same amount of time. So yeah, I'm shocked." I mumbled the last part—not knowing exactly what else to say.

"Well... you didn't visit either." Kaden said it with a smile on her face but I still could hear the bitterness hidden behind her words.

"Work didn't really allow me too much free time." I excused myself.

"Right, same here."

Well this is awkward.

I pointed to the couch behind us, "Want to sit?"

"Sure," she nodded.

Who would have thought that after been friends since we were in preschool, there would be a time were Kaden and I would act like almost strangers to each other. It feels wrong and sad.

"So... when did you arrive in town?" I asked.


I nodded my head slowly, "How come you are visiting, you know, after such a long time."

Kaden narrowed her eyes at me before a smile started to slowly grow on her face and a chuckle was released. "It's this a job interview or a conversation between to old friends? Because it honestly feels like the former. Really awkward."

"Way to address the situation Kade." I chuckled.

"I know that you weren't going to—I know you too well Morgan. I see you haven't changed."

Oh my god, don't tell me that because I have tried hard so I could become a better version of myself these past months.

"I like to think that I have." I responded.

Kaden raised her brows and then smiled lightly, "I guess the time we spend together will prove me wrong."

"Sounds like you are staying for a while."

She shrugged, "Not really, I don't think I can stay more than a week."

"Then we have a whole week to catch up."

"We do."

Even though the awkwardness has been addressed it's still very much present and hard to ignore.

Kaden rested her back against the couch and crossed her arms—a devilish look now on her face. "I heard you are dating Hayley Duvall."

"I— were—we are no longer together. How do you know anyway?" It might be a stupid question because she could easily have found out via social media but something tells me she didn't.

"Jason told me."

Of course it was Jason that opened his big fucking mouth.

"So why did you tw—" Kaden wasn't able to finish her sentence as my mom came to interrupt us.

Saved by the bell.


"So I gave up in figure out what to make for dinner and decided to instead order some pizza." My mom said animatedly—she looked between the two of us. "Did I interrupt anything?"

Kaden glanced at me briefly before turning back to look at my mom, "Not really I was just about to tell Morgan that I need to get going. Sorry I can't stay for dinner." Kaden stood up from the couch and walked towards her.

"Oh don't worry sweetie, I'm sure we can reschedule dinner for any other time—you are always welcome here after all. Are you coming over for Matty's birthday party tomorrow?" My mom had gently put her hands on Kaden's arms.

"Of course I am, thanks for the invite Caitlin." Kaden proceeded to give my mom a hug—while I was still a bit shocked by her response.

"Wait you are coming tomorrow?" I asked—a bit too bluntly if I'm being honest.

"Why? Don't you want me there?" Kaden asked back with what I think is sarcasm.

This new Kaden confuses me... is like she seems different but at the same time I still can see the old Kaden. It's odd, just like this whole unexpected encounter has been.

"Morgan you are being rude," my mom said.

"Sorry, I'm just tired. I'm happy you are coming tomorrow Kade." I nodded towards the door, "Walk you out?"

"If you want to." Kaden shrugged and turned to my mom again. "Thank you for having me Caitlin."

"You are family, don't be silly." I tuned out the rest of the conversation between my mom and Kaden until the latter starting walking to the front door with me following behind her.

I opened the door for her and let her walk out. "I'm sure we will have another time to properly catch up with each other," Kaden said.

"Same here." I tapped the door with my fingers as we stood there in a yet again, awkward silence.

"I'll see you tomorrow Morgan."

"See you Kade." I responded and was caught off guard when I received a kiss on the cheek from my best friend and ex. I was too stunned to speak and when I felt like I finally could, Kaden was already entering her car.

Now what the fuck?

I closed the door once I saw her drive away and sighed.

Why can't my life be uncomplicated for once.


A/N - Short I know, but trust the process lol.

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