Chapter Sixteen

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Hayley's POV

Never in my life, not once did I ever think that I would end up liking Morgan Valentine as anything— not even as a friend but I grown accostumed to that part. However liking her as more than that... I really didn't think I would ever—but ever since she came back to town and how hard she tried for me to talk to her and just everything. How she came back to my classroom at lunch to eat with me even if it was just to talk about the weather or gossiping. At some point those feelings of friendship turned into something more. Especially since I hated her for most of our school life.

Morgan is the sweetest idiot, it's impossible not to like someone that is just so... caring and good.

I pushed her away time and time again in high school when we starting to become some kind of friends—even when I tried to screw that up because I was consumed by jealousy of Jessie liking Morgan more than me. Even then she was patience and pushed me to confront my feelings... no matter how badly it ended I'm glad she conviced me to do it.

When I told her that my parents abused me she didn't look at me with pity— sadness yes, but not pity. Morgan looks at me like I'm not a mess, like I'm not some broken thing that needs charity.

Jessie used to look at me like that after I told her the truth.

I like the way Morgan looks at me—it makes me feel this warm inside.

Before she came back to town I was alone— her mom was the only kind of friend I had... as depressing as it may sound. My coworkers were nice and sometimes invite me to hang out but I never felt like going. Unlike my high school days I'm not as sociable now.

I'm way too cautious when making friends now but that's something I need to work on, I know it's not good for my mental health to be so lonely but with my trust issues and kind of fucks up it's not going to be easy.

Morgan's return has also made me realize that, that I need to regain back my social life.

I got out of the shower and walked to my bedroom on my towel when my phone began to ring. It was no other than Morgan calling — I stopped the music from the speaker before answering.

"What now Valentine?"

"Someone is in a good mood." She said with sarcasm.

"I was until you called."

"Ouch, here I thought I made you happy."

You do... a lot unfortunately.

"Sorry to break your bubble." I went through my drawers to grab my underwear.

"Nah don't worry, I know your lying anyways."

I hummed and put the phone in speaker so I could put on my underwear. "Sure, what do you want?"

"Harsh, straight to the point. But to answer your question... nothing, I'm just bored and was wondering what were you doing?"

"I was showering and now I'm changing." I took my phone again, now finally on my underwear.

Morgan was quiet for a second. "Can I see?"

I arched a brow at her bold request— not entirely sure if she was joking but knowing her—she probably is.

"Why? So you can masturbate on your bed again?"

"Don't call it that!" She yelled making me laugh.

"It is called that so you're going to have to grow up and get use to it." I searched for some shorts and a shirt through my clothes.

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