Chapter Fourty

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Morgan's POV

One year later.

"Jason, hold on, hold on. I'm gonna need to you to slow down and rewind a bit. You and Norah are back together?" I asked as I put one of the boxes down on the floor.

"Yeah Jase I really need you to go back on that again." I heard Kaden ask as well over the video call.

I grabbed my phone from the table, just so I could see the look of confusion on my best friend's face. "Go ahead and explain, Endo," I pushed.

"Okay, so you two know that I travelled to New York last month for a job interview, right?" We both replied with a 'yes' so he could continue his story. "Well, while I was there I saw an instagram story of Norah about her having a play and since I was in town I thought that I should go and check it out—so I did. I got a bouquet and watched the play—when it was over I went to find her and we talked." Jason paused leaving us in silence for a few long seconds.

"That's it?" Kaden asked.

"Oh no, we talked and I asked her out." He continued.

"What if she had a boyfriend?" I questioned this time.

"I would have looked very stupid and it would have been very embarrassing... but she didn't have one—so I'm glad I took the risk. Even though, I honestly didn't think I would have a chance with her again —it feels surreal." Jason looked starstruck at the mere thought of Nora and it was adorable. Even after so many years he was still smitten for her.

"Oh you are in love! It's so cute... and disgusting." Kaden made a face and I couldn't help but laugh at it.

"You are just jealous cause you are the only one of us that's still single. I mean— look at Morgan, she just moved in with her girlfriend yesterday." Jason said.

My heart swelled with both pride and happiness at the reminder of my latest achievement. After one year —with some bumps on the road— Hayley and I managed to make it work. Moving from Chicago to Bend ended up being the best decision I had made in a long time—not only because it meant I was closer to Hayley, but because I was also closer to my family— which I didn't realize needed to until then.

However leaving Chicago did make me sad as well, I was leaving Michael and even though we still talk almost everyday—it saddened me to leave him after being together for so long. He was my ride and die when Jason, Kaden and I were strained from each other.

Then there was Elizabeth—who despite our altercates and failed... friend with benefits relationship? I still held and hold a soft spot for. More than my boss and other things— she was my friend as well and a lovely person.

We just weren't meant to be.

However I am happy that we parted in good terms and even check up on each other every once in a while. I'm not sure what happened between her and Alice though, never got around to ask because I wasn't exactly sure how to ask—they both deserve happiness though, even if it's not together.

"It's that supposed to make me feel jealous or?" Kaden rolled her eyes.

"No, it's supposed to push you to find a boyfriend or girlfriend." Jason explained.

"No thank you, like don't get me wrong Morgan—but I don't want none of that. At least not for the time being."

"Is that so? Or are you still jealous that Monique got a boyfriend now?" I asked—I admit that I do feel kind of bad for making fun of Kaden's failed crush... but it's what best friends do! Right?

My question caused Jason to burst out in laughter... Kaden on the other hand I think got pissed off. "I'm not jealous and you two can go fuck yourselves, I'm done." She hung up on us.

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